Tag: Sustainable Practices

How to Watch August’s Two Supermoons

Some long summer nights are accompanied by an enormous, magical-looking moon rising slowly over the horizon. This August we will be treated to two supermoons, and the second will be a blue moon.

According to NASA, a supermoon is when the moon is full at the same time its orbit is closest to Earth, while a monthly blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month. A blue supermoon like the one we’ll be treated to on August 30 is a rare occurrence, so try and catch it, as there won’t be another until 2032.

“Warm summer nights are the ideal time to watch the full moon rise in the eastern sky within minutes of sunset. And it happens twice in August,” said retired NASA astrophysicist Fred Espenak, as The Associated Press reported.

A supermoon is about 16 percent brighter than an average full moon because its disk size is as much as eight percent bigger, reported The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

The peak brightness of the August 1 full moon will occur at 2:32 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, but after sunset look toward the southeast to watch the rising of what is referred to as the Sturgeon Moon.

“August’s full Moon was traditionally called the Sturgeon Moon because the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this part of summer,” said The Old Farmer’s Almanac website.

The Sturgeon Moon this year will be just 222,159 miles from Earth.

“Over the nights following 1 August, the Moon will rise around an hour later each day, becoming prominent later in the night. Within a few days, it will only be visible in the pre-dawn and early-morning sky. By the time it reaches last quarter, a week after full moon, it will rise in the middle of the night and set at around noon,” according to In-The-Sky.org.

The August 30 Blue Moon will be even closer at 222,043 miles away — the closest all year — with peak illumination at 9:36 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Italian astronomer Gianluca Masi, who founded The Virtual Telescope Project, said two full supermoons haven’t occurred in the same month since 2018, and it won’t happen again until 2027, The Guardian reported.

Masi’s The Virtual Telescope Project 2.0 will offer a live webcast of the August 1 supermoon rising over the Roman Coliseum.

“My plans are to capture the beauty of this… hopefully bringing the emotion of the show to our viewers,” Masi said, as reported by The Associated Press. “The supermoon offers us a great opportunity to look up and discover the sky.”

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U.S. Forest Service Plan to Plant More Than a Billion Trees Limited by Lack of Seedlings, Study Finds

In order to fulfill the ambition of the United States federal government’s REPLANT Act, the U.S. Forest Service has funds available to plant more than a billion trees in the next nine years. The problem is, there aren’t enough trees. Not only that, but U.S. tree nurseries don’t have enough variety of species necessary to meet the goal.

Cities around the world are suffering from urban heat islands made unbearable by record heat waves. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, air temperatures underneath trees can be as much as 25 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than directly above blacktop.

A new study by scientists at the University of Vermont (UVM) has shown that the limited diversity of tree species available has frustrated how much the forest service can do to respond to the climate crisis by planting trees, a press release from UVM said.

“Trees are this amazing natural solution to a lot of our challenges, including climate change. We urgently need to plant many millions of them,” said professor and director of the UVM Forestry Program Tony D’Amato, who co-led the research, in the press release. “But what this paper points out is that we are woefully underserved by any kind of regional or national scale inventory of seedlings to get the job done.”

The study, “A lack of ecological diversity in forest nurseries limits the achievement of tree-planting objectives in response to global change,” was published in the journal BioScience.

In their research, the team of 13 scientists looked at 605 plant nurseries in 20 northern U.S. states. They found that just 14 of them were operated by the government, and only 56 of them grew and sold seedlings in adequate amounts for reforestation and conservation.

Even more disappointing for the researchers was the “overwhelming scarcity of seedlings” from varied species and “seed collection zones,” which refer to local climates and conditions that trees have adapted to, they wrote in the study, according to UVM.

The research team found that forest nurseries have a tendency to keep a limited inventory of a few tree species, such as those used in commercial timber production, rather than species necessary for ecological restoration, climate adaptation or conservation. They also discovered that, in many areas, no locally adapted trees were available.

“The world is thinking about a warming climate — can we plant towards that warming climate? We know we’re losing ecologically important species across North America and around the world. So, the goal is: can we restore these trees or replace them with similar species? It’s a powerful idea,” said Peter Clark, UVM applied forest ecologist and lead author of the study, in the press release. “But — despite the excitement and novelty of that idea in many policy and philanthropy circles — when push comes to shove, it’s very challenging on the ground to actually find either the species or the seed sources needed… [F]inding the diversity we need to restore ecologically complex forests — not just a few industrial workhorse species commonly used for commercial timber operations, like white pine — is an even bigger bottleneck.”

The researchers said a much larger amount of seedlings and diversity within those is needed at regional nurseries in order to achieve a successful tree planting program directed at addressing climate change.

The financial risk and novelty involved in providing increased variety “likely generates uncertainty among forest nurseries, hampering investment,” the authors of the study wrote.

Another issue is that the number of nurseries, especially in the northeastern U.S., has gone down in recent years.

Seedlings from a different region might also have trouble succeeding in a new area, the researchers found. For instance, 80 percent of the seedings in the study found in northern states were produced in north central states.

“Such concentration of production will hinder tree planting efforts,” the researchers wrote, “because species and seed sources likely originate from similar geographic or bioclimatic zones.”

This is exacerbated by seedlings being sensitive to stress. A mismatch between when they are available, such as earlier in nurseries farther south, and when they need to be planted, like in northern soils after the last frost, could be an issue.

The researchers suggested improvements in financing and policy, as well as expanded research and better training to help alleviate these issues.

Government agencies like the U.S. Forest Service, as well as state governments, rely on seed zones from the 1970s based on climate conditions that are very different from those predicted for the future. Also, forest research and policy has been centered around timber production species rather than those that are more adapted to changing climates and a more diverse array of tree species. Clear policies regarding tree genetics and tree species’ movement are also lacking in many government policies.

The scientists recommended an expansion of state and federal investment in seed collection and public tree nurseries.

“This strategy may stimulate production from private nurseries once a stable demand is apparent,” the authors of the study wrote.

This year, the federal government invested $35 million in expanding the capacity of the federal nursery, but the authors of the study said that, due to “the existing (and growing) reforestation backlog, declines in nursery infrastructure, and complex needs for diverse seeds and seedlings, it is likely that substantially more public investment in the form of grants, loans, and cost-share programs will be needed to reinvigorate, diversify, and expand forest nurseries.”

“People want trillions of trees,” Clark said in the press release, “but often, on the ground, it’s one old farmer walking around to collect acorns. There’s a massive disconnect.”

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Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Under ‘Serious Threat,’ but Stays Off UNESCO’s ‘In Danger’ List

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef extends 1,429 miles over an approximate area of 133,000 square miles and is the largest coral reef system in the world.

The magnificent reef is home to thousands of marine species, but for years has been under threat from pollution and climate change. The warming ocean has caused coral bleaching, and increased sediment, contaminants and nutrients have made their way into the waters of the Coral Sea from industrial, agricultural and urban runoff. Coastal development and overfishing also threaten the UNESCO World Heritage Area.

At a  meeting earlier this week, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee decided not to list the Great Barrier Reef as “in danger,” noting that it remained under “serious threat” from ocean warming and pollution, reported Reuters.

Some scientists were surprised by the decision.

“A lot of climate scientists are shocked by the fact that it wasn’t put on the list,” Kimberley Reid from Monash University and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate told CNN.

Made up of 900 islands and 2,900 individual reefs, the Great Barrier Reef became a World Heritage Site in 1981.

The Great Barrier Reef brings in about $4 billion to the Australian economy and supports more than 60,000 jobs, so the country would prefer it not be on the endangered list, Reuters reported. Being on the list could mean losing its world heritage status, possibly affecting tourist visits to the site.

Head of Oceans at WWF-Australia Richard Leck said the governments of Australia and Queensland had effectively been “kept… on probation,” but that there was “an opportunity for Australia to lift its game before it is required to provide a progress report to the world heritage committee next year,” as reported by The Guardian.

The possibility that the Great Barrier Reef might be listed as “in danger” was first raised in 2021. Since then the government has been trying to prove to the committee that it is taking care of the reef.

“Lobbying is about telling the truth about what we’re doing,” said Tanya Plibersek, Australia’s Minister for the Environment and Water, as CNN reported.

Plibersek said that, since the Labor government came into power last year, millions have been spent on reef management and improvements to water quality, along with the electrification of homes and greenhouse gas emissions targets in order to lower the contribution of fossil fuels to climate change.

More than 411 hard coral species and 1,500 types of fish live in and amongst the majestic reef.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the UNESCO decision does not mean the reef is “in the clear,” emphasizing that more needed to be done in order to make sure it stays off the endangered list.

“The draft decision cites ‘significant progress’ being made on climate change, water quality, and sustainable fishing – all putting the reef on a stronger and more sustainable path,” said Albanese, as reported by Reuters.

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DOE commits $450M to install rooftop solar for highest-need Puerto Ricans

The Department of Energy announced on Monday that it will provide nearly half a billion dollars to install rooftop solar and battery back-up systems on the homes of some of Puerto Rico’s most vulnerable residents. The funding could cover the installation of as many as 40,000 photovoltaic systems, providing a measure of energy security to an archipelago long burdened by frequent and prolonged blackouts. 

The program, which Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm outlined at an event in San Juan, is part of the $1 billion Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund that Congress approved last December. The fund is intended to provide reliable and affordable energy to the highest-need households, many of whom endure power outages daily or weekly. 

After Hurricane Fiona left the entire archipelago without power last September, President Biden put the Department of Energy in charge of a multi-agency effort to overhaul the U.S. territory’s energy system, which is in disrepair and depends upon fossil fuels to generate 97 percent of its electricity. The campaign includes a two-year study to find the most effective path toward Puerto Rico’s goal of achieving a zero-emission grid by 2050, streamlining approval processes, and deploying the billions of dollars allocated for Hurricane Maria recovery that have not yet been spent.

The effort will take years, and in the meantime, Puerto Ricans suffer from the persistent anxiety of not knowing when the power will go out next. In the last year, the number of rolling blackouts there exceeded the North American utility standard by 570 times, according to DOE. 

“That should be seared into our souls,” Granholm told a group of federal and local officials, industry leaders and community members on Monday, “because that is unacceptable, and that is what we are trying to fix.” 

The $450 million that Granholm announced will be directed toward the lowest-income households. It will be reserved for people who are medically vulnerable and depend on plug-in medical equipment, and those who live in “last-mile” communities, mostly located deep in the main island’s central mountain ranges. After Maria, some of these municipalities lacked power for nearly one year. 

“To say they’re remote and rural communities does not do justice to their circumstances,” said C.P. Smith, executive director of Cooperativa Hidroeléctrica de la Montaña, which has installed microgrids in rural areas in the central mountains. “They might have one road coming out of there, no wider than a small car. They’re the last to get power because after a storm it’s not just about restringing wires, it’s about repairing a road to get a truck up there to restring the wires.”

The funding will focus on “last-mile” communities, which are typically the last to be reconnected after a blackout.
Department of Energy

The focus on “very low-income” families will supplement an already robust solar industry in Puerto Rico. Photovoltaic panel and battery installations skyrocketed after Hurricane Maria, and some 3,000 installations are done monthly now. More than 85,000 households have PV systems. But the poorest households have not been able to participate in the transition according to PJ Wilson, president of the Solar and Energy Storage Association in Puerto Rico, and are burdened by electricity prices at least 50 percent higher than the national average

“We’re very glad that it appears that their intention is to focus these funds on the people who are truly so low-income or disabled that they have no other viable way to acquire solar and storage,” Wilson said. “Hopefully this helps lift people out of poverty.”

Most of the money will go directly to solar installation companies, nonprofit energy providers and electric cooperatives that will install, own and maintain the systems. An innovative $3.5 million “Solar Ambassador” program will determine which households receive them. The ambassadors will go into communities and identify households most in need — a stark contrast from other widely criticized first-come, first-served programs in Puerto Rico.

“No one ever pays for that ground game part of community organization for energy development,” said Smith. “The ambassador program will help get the message out there and identify people who we know are having a hard time.”

Another notable aspect of the program is its third-party ownership model, which takes the onus off households to maintain the systems. Installers must manage and maintain them for at least 20 years and replace worn-out batteries, and the program allocates consumer-protection funding to hold solar companies accountable. Installers will cover just 5 percent of the cost, making it easier for nonprofit energy providers and small cooperatives to participate.

The program’s structure was in large part shaped by a vigorous community outreach campaign led by Granholm. In the last year, she has been to Puerto Rico five times to gather input from Puerto Ricans at town halls and roundtables. A spring visit to the home of a couple in the mountain town of Orocovis, where their son relied on a ventilator to breathe and a small diesel generator was the family’s only lifeline in a blackout, underscored the urgency of the problem, Granholm told Grist in March. “It’s life or death,” she said. 

The department incorporated public concerns about paying for repairs, prioritizing those most in need, working with existing community networks, and ensuring equitable access to information about the program and the ability to apply. 

Such an approach represents a seismic shift compared to what Puerto Ricans have experienced from local and federal governments, especially in the time after Hurricane Maria caused $90 billion in damage and claimed more than 4,000 lives, according to Charlotte Gossett Navarro of the Hispanic Federation.

“What we have unfortunately experienced with a lot of the recovery money in Puerto Rico is it goes straight into the hands of the state government, and they design their programs behind closed doors,” said Gossett Navarro. “There has not been any meaningful space for communities to help design the programs, and what results is programs that are announced just full of errors in how they will be executed, and the people you want to benefit are not benefitting from it.”

Secretary Granholm consults with community members at a town hall in Orocovis, Puerto Rico, in March.
Secretary Granholm consults with community members at a town hall in Orocovis, Puerto Rico, in March.
Gabriela Aoun / Grist

Those doing the hard work of bringing solar to Puerto Rico were buoyed by Granholm’s announcement, though a few questions remain on the details of the program.

“This has all the good elements, we’ll see what the stew is like when you cook them all together,” said Jorge Gaskins, board president of Barrio Eléctrico, a nonprofit energy provider serving residents across Puerto Rico. 

Gaskins and other nonprofit and industry representatives said they want to know more about who would pay for the 20-year maintenance of the systems, as well as how the $450 million can cover 30,000 to 40,000 households. (Systems typically cost about $30,000 per household.) In an emailed response, the department told Grist that the leases would include a “minimal contribution from the homeowner for ongoing maintenance” and that the money is meant to incentivize installations and can be combined with solar tax credits to maximize its impact. 

Applications for installation funding and the ambassador program opened Monday and will close on September 18 and 25, respectively. DOE aims to announce recipients in October, and the first systems could be online by next summer. 

A second tranche of the $1 billion Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund, the details of which will be announced in the coming months, will support energy solutions for multi-family residences. 

The accelerated timeline underscores the dire need for reliable, affordable power in Puerto Rico. Heat indices in parts of the archipelago have reached 125 degrees this summer, and hurricane season is just weeks away. Granholm said Monday that every agency moving Puerto Rico toward a resilient and clean energy future must work as quickly as possible. “Our hair should be on fire,” she said. 

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline DOE commits $450M to install rooftop solar for highest-need Puerto Ricans on Aug 1, 2023.

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UNESCO Threatens to List Venice as Endangered World Heritage Site

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Monday recommended Venice to be listed as an endangered World Heritage Site, as the city is at risk of irreparable damage from climate change and overtourism.

“The effects of the continuing deterioration due to human intervention, including continuing development, the impacts of climate change and mass tourism threaten to cause irreversible changes to the outstanding universal value of the property,” UNESCO said, as reported by France 24.

UNESCO said that Venice has faced long-running problems with overtourism and development that threaten this World Heritage Site, which has been on the list since 1987. UNESCO noted that little has been done to better protect the city, and even Italy’s recent protective measures have been insufficient.

As such, UNESCO has proposed to place the city on the World Heritage in Danger list, and this recommendation will be considered for adoption by the World Heritage Committee at its meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in September. In the meantime, Venice officials will review the recommendation and discuss it with the Italian government.

The World Heritage in Danger list was created by the World Heritage Committee to show heritage sites that require “major operations” as they face “serious and specific dangers,” per Article 11.4 in the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, created in 1972.

In 2021, Italy banned cruise ships from entering the Venice lagoon, as UNESCO was at that time also considering placing Venice on the list of endangered World Heritage Sites. 

Earlier this year, the city’s canals were drying up from a prolonged drought. In just late 2019, most of the city was underwater from intense flooding, made worse by climate change.

“For many years Venetians experienced the flooding as simply a nuisance,” Shaul Bassi, English literature professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, said, as reported by Royal Museums Greenwich. “For kids it was a sort of entertainment — wearing your Wellington boots, wading through the water. Then of course, things became more serious. Now I think we need to fully understand that flooding is not just at a local level. Venice is at the forefront of the battle against climate change.” 

In addition to climate impacts, Venice has faced overtourism, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic, with about 28 million visitors each year, according to the BBC

As The Guardian reported, these impacts have led the number of locals living in the historic center of the city to fall below 50,000 as of summer 2022.

UNESCO stated that it hopes that the recommendation for Venice as an endangered World Heritage Site “will result in greater dedication and mobilisation of local, national and international stakeholders.”

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Seattle’s Restaurant 2 Garden shows circular economy strengths

As a child, Joycelyn Chui often helped her grandmother in the kitchen. She would separate eggshells and onion peels in little bowls, to compost them in her grandmother’s garden. For Chui, sorting and composting food waste with her grandmother planted a seed that has now germinated into Restaurant 2 Garden, a community composting project in Seattle’s Chinatown International District.  

Restaurant 2 Garden is a hyperlocal organization that takes food waste from restaurants in Chinatown and converts it to compost for Danny Woo Community Garden—the only green space in the neighborhood. Elderly immigrants from Asian American and Pacific Islander communities cultivate the community garden, and grow foods relevant to the community, such as chrysanthemum and goji berries. 

Restaurant 2 Garden is one example of recent statewide push to increase recycling and composting rates. Washington, along with California, is one of the first states to enact a sweeping set of policies targeted at organics and food waste to get food out of the garbage. Some of these measures are now being codified into law: House Bill 1799—passed in June of 2022—seeks a 75% reduction of organic material going to landfills by 2030, and a 20 percent increase in donations of edible food by 2025. These targets are a joint effort between local governments and the state. Cities and counties are now required to offer organics collection to businesses, if there is a facility available that can process organic waste. For businesses in areas with organics management, the statute calls for businesses to separate their organic waste and either subscribe to an organic waste collection service or process them on site.  

Initiatives like Restaurant 2 Garden will be critical in helping make this legislation successful, says Heather Trim, executive director of Zero Waste Washington, a nonprofit that advocated for House Bill 1799.  

“What usually happens is a business contracts with a private or a commercial hauler, and will pay for their material to be hauled to a commercial compost,” says Trim. “What Restaurant 2 Garden is doing is jumpstarting the little mom and pop shops and helping [composting] happen on a localized scale.”

Seattle already has industrial-level facilities that process compost, which can help keep nutrients from organic materials in circulation. But even though residents and businesses are required to separate food and paper for composting, a lot of food still ends up in the landfill.

“We know there’s a continued need for deeper engagement with our community to do a better job at keeping food out of the landfill,” says McKenna Morrigan, strategic advisor for waste prevention and product stewardship at Seattle Public Utilities. 

Morrigan argues that community composting initiatives like Restaurant 2 Garden can help local businesses in culturally responsive ways, and support the circular economy—where materials are used as efficiently as possible and waste is recaptured. 

“Our focus going forward is to support the circular economy for organics, which means doing our part to ensure that the city is purchasing compost made from the organics collected here, and that they’re being used in the many different applications where compost is beneficial,” adds Morrigan. 

Compost can be used by the city for landscaping, amending soil, erosion control, stormwater filtration, and new construction. House Bill 1799 also requires local governments to use compost products in relevant projects and prioritize getting compost from places that produce it locally. All counties in Washington State will now be required to consider—in their growth plans—where compost facilities could be sited, and the bill aims to make it easier for compost facilities to obtain bank loans and grants so they can expand.

Back in Seattle, Restaurant 2 Garden currently works with two restaurants, both in close proximity to Danny Woo Community Garden. Since opening, it has collected over 5,000 pounds of food scraps and harvested a similar amount of compost. It’s not yet a fully closed loop: While community gardeners are using compost to grow food, the yield isn’t enough to provide food for restaurants. 

Composting in the Danny Woo Community Center
People’s Economy Lab

But Chui and her co-founders—Elizabeth Chong Baskerville and Jennifer Cheung—are looking to expand to another plot of public land in the neighborhood. They want to build a demonstration site where people can see how food scraps are converted to compost, a process Chui sees as using public land to provide a public service. 

She says the resourcefulness of her immigrant, refugee community deserves a lot more attention. “What modern-day ‘environmentalism’ is promoting, we’re already doing,” she says.

This story was produced in partnership with Communities of Opportunity, a growing partnership that believes every community can be a healthy, thriving community.

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Seattle’s Restaurant 2 Garden shows circular economy strengths on Aug 1, 2023.

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The Best Apps for Stargazing

Stargazing used to mean staring at the sky and consulting a guidebook to decipher the stars, or acquiring an expensive telescope to see them more clearly. Now, dozens of stargazing smartphone apps make it easy for anyone to enjoy and learn about the cosmos. Generally, they entail holding your smartphone up to the sky, and visuals on your screen will reflect the section of the sky it’s pointing at. If you’re looking to improve your knowledge of the cosmos, identify constellations on a camping trip, or plan for future astronomical events, these apps will help you know where (and when) to look up.

Night Sky

A view of the Night Sky app’s user interface on an iPhone. iCandi Apps Ltd.

The free version of this Apple-compatible app offers many features, and all are accessible with Night Sky + for $5.99 a month. Along with a 1.7 billion star library, Night Sky has a real-time map of the sky overlaid with constellations that update whenever you move your device. If the view is overwhelming, choose what objects you want to see (or remove) on the side menu. The app features Augmented Reality (AR) functions, overlaying a surface with the solar system so you can watch the stars swirl at the speed of your choosing. Explore the planets, constellations, and nebulas in 3D, or zoom in on spacecraft like Sputnik 1 and The Space Shuttle. If you’re on the lookout for a specific object moving ahead — like the International Space Station — set notifications to let you know when to look up. Night Sky is great for city users and includes a filter that adjusts for light pollution so you can see celestial objects you might not otherwise be able to discern. 


The SkyView app’s Today Widget. Terminal Eleven

Identify galaxies, constellations, and stars, or man-made objects like satellites, the ISS, and Hubble as they pass overhead using SkyView. Using Augmented Reality, the app overlays the night sky with notes to teach you about each object above, including its history and related mythology (and you can jump right to its Wiki page to read more). Jump around in time to see what the sky looked like at different points in the past, or what it will look like in the future. 

Because the app doesn’t require cell phone service to use, it’s great for campers. It also features a version for Apple Watch, a widget for your home screen that lets you know what objects are visible above, and push reminders for celestial events. For experienced stargazers, the app also supports Space Navigator binoculars, spotting scope, and telescopes. 

SkyView (the enhanced version of the app) is $1.99 a month, but SkyView Lite is free. 

SkySafari 7

The SkySafari app on an iPad. Simulation Curriculum Corp.

Three different SkySafari apps are available at different prices — SkySafari Basic at $4.99, SkySafari 7 Plus at $9.99, and SkySafari 7 Pro at $39.99 — but all offer Tonight at a Glance: a guided summary of what’s happening in the sky tonight that’s beloved by its users. Point your phone at the sky to locate planets and other objects through a visual blend of the real view with a simulated sky chart. Using Orbit Mode, leave Earth and travel to other planets, moons, and stars to view from there. Try the Events Finder to see what future lunar and solar eclipses (or other astronomical events) will look like from where you’re standing. The app also features audio tours about the science, mythology, and history of the stars, as well as pronunciation guides for those hard-to-say celestial terms. Although it’s still compatible with iOS, SkySafari is considered especially good for Androids and for connecting with telescopes.

Stellarium Mobile

Stellarium Labs

From Stellarium — the open-source planetarium with a well-known desktop app — comes Stellarium Mobile: a free app that offers a premium version for $13.99. Its simple design makes the app easy to use, and features a search function to find all known stars, planets, comets, and deep sky objects, as well as satellites and asteroids. The night mode option (which tints your screen red) helps you view the stars without interfering with your night vision. Stellarium Mobile is very well-rated by users, and is lauded for its star library, which contains more stars than any other app on the market. Among other features, the plus version allows you to see a 3D view of objects, explore a calendar of upcoming events, and includes a telescope control module. 

Star Walk 2

Viewing the Perseids meteor shower with the Star Walk app. Johan Larsson / CC BY 2.0

Named best astronomy app, Star Walk 2 is considered a great option for beginners, as it’s meant to be viewed on a phone screen rather than a telescope. The premium version of the app costs $2.99 a month, but if you aren’t bothered by ads, the free version (Star Walk 2 Ads +) offers many of the same components. Featuring real-time, interactive maps of the sky, explore satellites, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, asteroids, comets, and meteors to a soundtrack of ethereal music. Its “encyclopedia of the sky” also provides extensive information, photos, and 3D models of objects, and the app lets you know the best times for observing the objects that are visible from your location. Read astronomical news about stargazing forecasts, current astronomy events, tips for observing events like meteor showers and eclipses, and what celestial bodies are currently visible. Star Walk Kids is also available for both iOS and Android.

Sky Guide

Featuring 1.7 billion stars and 1 million deep-sky objects, Sky Guide is a favorite for identifying constellations, planets, and satellites above. The app doesn’t need Wi-Fi, cellular service, or GPS to function, making it the perfect option for backcountry campers. Users love the vibrant colors and simple display of the uncluttered, informative app that you can customize to your interests. Toggle on displays of aurora borealis and aurora australis, constellation lines, and overlays of Western/Ancient Greek mythological constellation art. Keep up-to-date with forecasts for meteor showers and other events, and use cinematic time controls to gaze at past and future skies. The app itself is free, with two upgrades available as in-app purchases: Sky Guide Plus or Sky Guide Pro, although you can check out a free one-week trial of both before you make a decision. Unfortunately, the app is not available for Android users.

The post The Best Apps for Stargazing appeared first on EcoWatch.

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Why FEMA doesn’t respond to heat waves

Hello and welcome back to Record High. I’m Jake Bittle, and this week we’re going to explore the bureaucratic reason that the federal government doesn’t do more to help during heat disasters.

If you take a look at the primary law that dictates how the United States responds to disasters, the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, you’ll see a long list of perils that qualify for federal emergency aid. The act defines a “major disaster” as “any natural catastrophe (including any hurricane, tornado, storm, high water, winddriven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, or drought), or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion.”

The word “heat,” however, does not appear on that list — or in any other part of the act, for that matter. That simple omission has had big implications for how we respond to heat waves.

In order to unlock the full resources of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, the president must declare a “major disaster” in a given area. But the Stafford Act doesn’t name heat as a qualifying catastrophe, and no president has ever made a disaster declaration over a heat wave. President Joe Biden has made more than 40 such declarations so far this year, but he hasn’t made one for the ongoing heat wave in the U.S. South. That’s despite the fact that the heat in Phoenix has become so severe that dozens of people have gotten burns from falling down on the sidewalk and local authorities have brought in freezer trucks to hold the bodies of heatstroke victims.

“Disaster funding is geared towards fixing expensive things that are broken, not people,” said Juanita Constible, a senior climate and health advocate at the Natural Resources Defense Council. “So because heat is mostly a health consideration, it got left out.”

In theory, FEMA can reimburse state and local governments for any disaster response effort that exceeds local resources, but in practice it has never done so for a heat wave. Because the agency historically hasn’t devoted significant resources to fighting heat, Constible said, most state and local emergency management departments haven’t done much work to plan for heat either.

A FEMA representative surveys a woman about heat and power availability in a New York City neighborhood damaged during Hurricane Sandy.
A FEMA representative surveys a woman about heat and power availability in a New York City neighborhood damaged during Hurricane Sandy.
Robert Nickelsberg / Getty Images

Part of the issue is that the damage caused by a heat wave is less physical than the devastation caused by a hurricane, tornado, flood, or similar event, so recovery isn’t just a matter of buying bricks to rebuild a school or sending trucks to carry away debris. Even so, heat waves place a massive financial strain on hospitals and power grids, and most local governments can’t afford to ramp up health services on short notice. Local economies also suffer as retail foot traffic plummets and outdoor industries like construction shut down.

During the 2021 Pacific Northwest heat wave, for instance, hospitals in Portland were dunking heatstroke victims in ice baths to keep them alive. But as temperatures climbed, eventually reaching 120 degrees Fahrenheit, they ran out of ice and had to scour the city for more. The Pacific Northwest heat wave ended up killing at least 229 people in Oregon and Washington over the course of the week, and perhaps as many as 600. Constible says the immense resources of the federal government might have been able to prevent some of those deaths if they had been available.

“When there are mass casualty events, there’s no big pulse of money that can come into the state or counties to help deal with the aftermath,” she told Grist. “One of the things that hospitals realized after the 2021 event, in Oregon in particular, was that they were wildly unprepared for the impact of that heat wave, and they had to do all this work after the fact to get up to some minimum level. Funds just aren’t really available for that kind of work without a disaster declaration.”

“Disaster funding is geared towards fixing expensive things that are broken, not people.”

Juanita Constible, Natural Resources Defense Council

The main FEMA initiative that could theoretically help with heat right now is the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities grant program, or BRIC, which distributes money to cities and states to help them prepare before disasters happen. FEMA released guidance this year signaling to state and local governments that they could use BRIC money to adapt to heat risks, and an agency spokesperson told Grist that more money will soon be available. But even this program hasn’t been much help so far: When the New York City Housing Authority submitted a BRIC application for a cooling center in 2020, FEMA declined to select the project for funding, saying it wasn’t cost-effective.

Representative Ruben Gallego, an Arizona Democrat, introduced a bill earlier this summer that would add “extreme heat” to the list of disasters in the Stafford Act. The bill has some bipartisan support, but Constible says it still faces long odds of advancing given the gridlock in the present divided Congress. In the meantime, Biden has asked federal agencies like the Department of Labor and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to get better at protecting workers from heat and measuring heat waves. But in reality, these measures can’t compare to the immense resources of FEMA’s standard disaster response.

At a press conference on Thursday where Biden announced the new measures, Phoenix mayor Kate Gallego said that local governments are doing everything they can to address heat risk, including by tapping pandemic stimulus money and using Inflation Reduction Act grants to plant new trees. But she also warned that the adaptation effort wouldn’t succeed without more help from the feds.

“We would love it if Congress would give you the ability to declare heat a disaster,” she said to Biden. “We need a whole-of-government approach.”

Reporting on extreme heat doesn’t just involve covering brutal temperatures. We need to focus on the solutions that can help us adapt and chart a new path forward. That’s why we’re continuing our extreme heat coverage through the end of September. But we need your help by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to unlock critical funding. We are just $195 away from unlocking a $20,000 match to support our work. Please take a moment to donate what you can as every dollar counts.

By the numbers

A new report from Climate Central revealed which U.S. cities suffer most from the “urban heat island” effect. Urban environments tend to get hotter than surrounding rural areas because streets and buildings absorb heat over the course of a day and release it at night.

A graphic showing what percentage of people in major U.S. cities live in an urban heat island

Data Visualization by Clayton Aldern / Grist

What we’re reading

The hottest month ever: July was the hottest month in more than 120,000 years of recorded history. The last time the world was this hot, Neanderthals and Homo sapiens were still vying for species dominance. My colleague Lyric Aquino reports on a month of devastating temperatures. 

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The Last of Us was a documentary: In the latest installment of a Grist-Associated Press collaboration on climate change and disease, the AP’s Camille Fassett explores how warmer temperatures are enabling a fungus known as Candida auris to spread through the U.S. like never before. The fungus can cause sepsis and fever when it infects human beings.

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Grid stress in New York City: Amid a sweltering heat wave last week, New York utility ConEd asked customers to reduce their energy consumption during peak hours. The City’s Samantha Maldonado explains why this happened and why a popular call on social media to “turn off Times Square” wouldn’t have helped prevent blackouts.

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What “record-breaking” really means: Every heat wave brings with it the news that dozens of temperature records around the world have been shattered, but Umair Irfan over at Vox explains that not all temperature records are created equal. The significance of a broken record in a given location depends on how long we’ve been measuring data there, and those nuances often get lost in flashy headlines.

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More heat means more fossil fuels: One big winner from the past month of heat waves? Natural gas. Grid operators around the country have responded to skyrocketing energy demand from air conditioners and fans by burning more gas than ever. Despite rapid growth in renewable energy, gas is still the baseload fuel of choice in almost every region of the U.S. Timothy Puko of the Washington Post reports on the vicious cycle. 

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This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Why FEMA doesn’t respond to heat waves on Aug 1, 2023.

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Climate change may be fueling a global surge in cholera outbreaks

Climate Connections is a collaboration between Grist and the Associated Press that explores how a changing climate is accelerating the spread of infectious diseases around the world, and how mitigation efforts demand a collective, global response. Read more here.

In early 2022, nearly 200,000 Malawians were displaced after two tropical storms struck the southeastern part of Africa barely a month apart. Sixty-four people died. Amid an already-heavy rainy season, the storms Ana and Gombe caused tremendous devastation across southern Malawi to homes, crops, and infrastructure. 

“That March, we started to see cholera, which is usually endemic in Malawi, becoming an outbreak,” said Gerrit Maritz, a deputy representative for health programs in Malawi for the United Nations Children’s Fund. Cholera typically affects the country during the rainy season, from December to March, during which time it remains contained around Lake Malawi in the south and results in about 100 deaths each year. 

The 2022 outbreak showed a different pattern — cholera spread throughout the dry season and by August had moved into Malawi’s northern and central regions. By early February of this year, cases had peaked at 700 per day with a fatality rate of 3.3 percent, three times higher than the typical rate. When cases finally began to decline in March, cholera had claimed over 1,600 lives in a 12-month period — the biggest outbreak in the country’s history.  

As climate change intensifies, storms like Ana and Gombe are becoming more frequent, more powerful, and wetter. The World Health Organization, or WHO, says that while poverty and conflict remain enduring drivers for cholera around the world, climate change is aggravating the acute global upsurge of the disease that began in 2021. According to WHO, 30 countries reported outbreaks in 2022, 50 percent more than previous years’ average; many of those outbreaks were compounded by tropical cyclones and their ensuing displacement. 

A line chart showing that global cholera cases have increased roughly fourfold since 2000

“It’s difficult to say that [Tropical Storm Ana and Cyclone Gombe] caused the cholera outbreak,” UNICEF public health emergency specialist Raoul Kamadjeu said. “What we can say is they were risk multipliers.” 

Cholera is a diarrheal illness that spreads in places without access to clean water and sanitation, when people swallow food or water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae bacteria. 

“Malawi’s water-sanitation indicators were already extremely bad,” said Kamadje, “but the storms made a bad situation worse.” 

Flash floods spread sewage into lakes and boreholes, washed away pipelines and sanitation infrastructure, and ruined roads integral to the delivery of supplies. By one government estimate, Ana alone destroyed 54,000 latrines and about 340 wells. People displaced from their homes turned to whatever water sources were available, often ones that were highly contaminated, and transmitted the disease as they moved to new areas. 

While Malawi’s outbreak was spreading across its borders to Zambia and Mozambique, hundreds of thousands of people in Pakistan reported cholera symptoms amid a massive monsoon season that left a third of the country fully underwater. And in Nigeria, cases spiked after over a million people were displaced by extreme flooding during the 2022 rainy season. 

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The global cholera surge drove a vaccine shortage right when countries needed it most. Malawi in the past used the cholera vaccine for prevention, but “now if you don’t have an outbreak, you don’t get the vaccine,” said Otim Patrick Ramadan, WHO incident manager for regional cholera response in Africa. In response to the shortage, the international coordinating group for cholera vaccines changed its vaccination protocol in October from two doses to one, reducing protection from two years to about five months. 

Climate change doesn’t only affect cholera through worsening floods and storms. Hotter temperatures and longer and drier droughts can also have an impact. 

“With a severe shortage of water, the remaining sources become easily contaminated, because everyone is using them for everything,” Ramadan said. “We have seen that in the greater Horn of Africa.” Amid a prolonged and extreme drought, which has been directly attributed to climate change, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya all saw cholera proliferate over the past year. In drought areas that have experienced crop failure, malnourishment has also reduced immunity to diseases.

Climate change doesn’t only affect cholera through worsening floods and storms. Hotter temperatures and longer and drier droughts can also have an impact. 

Johns Hopkins University infectious disease epidemiologist Andrew Azman, who specializes in cholera research, cautions against making sweeping statements about climate change turbocharging cholera globally. 

“We know cholera is seasonal in much of the world, but the associations between precipitation, drought, floods, and cholera are not really clear,” Azman said. “In some places, more precipitation increases cholera risk. In some places, it’s less precipitation.” He added that destructive storms in the past have not led to massive cholera outbreaks at the scale of the recent epidemic in Malawi, so it’s important to also consider other factors. 

“While the storms may have created good conditions for transmission, the outbreak happened after a few years of relative calm in terms of exposures,” Azman said. “Immunologically, you had a much more naive population.” The strain circulating had also been newly introduced from Asia, and scientists are currently studying whether it was more transmissible.

Research suggesting that cholera is largely contracted from bacteria that lives in the aquatic environment and thrives under increasing temperatures has mostly been discredited, said Azman. “But one of the big mechanisms by which extreme events will impact cholera risk is the destruction of water and sanitation infrastructure,” he said. “That is an important point, because we can block those impacts if we invest in [those things].” 

Climate Connections: A warming planet, pathogens, and diseases

How climate change is making us sick

Animals, bugs, algae, and even fungi are shifting to accommodate an ever-hotter planet — and they’re bringing dangerous diseases with them.

Mosquitos are moving to higher elevations — and so is malaria

Climate change is driving mosquitoes to new heights, bringing the bugs, and the diseases they carry, to newly vulnerable populations.

A brain-swelling illness spread by ticks is on the rise in Europe

Experts say climate change plays a role: “It’s a really common problem that was absent 20 or 30 years ago.”

In the US, a fungal disease is spreading fast. A hotter climate could be to blame.

A potentially fatal pathogen, Candida auris has adapted to cross the “temperature barrier” into humans, causing cases to jump by 1,200% since 2017.

Kamadju agrees. “Cholera is just a mark of inequity and poverty,” he said. “It’s a problem of investment, development, and infrastructure.” Malawi’s outbreak came at a time of economic crisis, with its currency devalued in May 2022. Limited health resources were also stretched thin by COVID-19 and a polio outbreak, the first in 30 years

This March, a year after the cholera outbreak began and as cases were beginning to go down, Malawi and its neighbors braced for a new storm. Cyclone Freddy turned out to be the longest-lasting cyclone ever on record, causing untold damage and killing more than 800 people across Mozambique, Madagascar, and Malawi, with some counts even higher. But while cholera cases started to spike in Mozambique as predicted, in Malawi they continued their downward trend. 

Ramadan says that’s in large part because the ongoing cholera response already occurring in Malawi’s southern region — high vaccination rates, advanced distribution of water tablets and supplies, and messaging around cholera — reduced transmission in spite of the direct impacts to infrastructure. 

Maritz of UNICEF worries that a shift in Malawi’s methodology for reporting cholera cases may be giving a false impression of just how successful those mitigation efforts are. On June 1, as cases continued to decline significantly, Malawi shifted to an endemic protocol for measuring cholera, which requires a rapid diagnostic test and a lab sample to confirm an infection. In contrast, during an outbreak, anyone who presents at a clinic with symptoms gets marked as a case. 

Kamadjeu said this strategy made sense given the low number of current cases. But Maritz says that capacity challenges and delays in testing with the new protocol have led to underreporting of cases.

[Read next: Mosquitos are moving to higher elevations — and so is malaria]

“We are still seeing people arriving at clinics with cholera symptoms that are not being reported in the national dashboards,” said Mira Khadka, an emergency health specialist leading cholera response for UNICEF in Malawi’s Blantyre district. It’s hard to mask a big cholera outbreak if people start dying, but the reporting lag is still cause for concern. 

“Agencies that were responding to the cholera outbreak are now withdrawing,” said Khadka. “This can create the potential for another big outbreak to start.” 

A team of government officials and health experts is assessing reporting methods in the southern districts where cases persist.

“What climate change means for us as a humanitarian agency is that we cannot do business as usual anymore,” Maritz said. “We are already preparing that most likely come January, February, there will be another cyclone with a huge flooding event.”

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Climate change may be fueling a global surge in cholera outbreaks on Aug 1, 2023.

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