Tag: Green Living

Texas inmates are being ‘cooked to death’ in extreme heat, complaint alleges

This story was first published by The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans — and engages with them — about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues.

April signaled the beginning of blistering heat for much of Texas. And while the summer heat is uncomfortable for many, it can be deadly for the people incarcerated in Texas’ prison system where temperatures regularly reach triple digits.

With another sweltering summer likely ahead, on April 22 prison rights advocates filed a complaint against Texas Department of Criminal Justice executive director Bryan Collier, arguing that the lack of air conditioning in the majority of Texas prisons amounts to cruel and unusual punishment.

The filing came from four nonprofit organizations who are joining a lawsuit originally filed last August by Bernie Tiede, an inmate who suffered a medical crisis after being housed in a Huntsville cell that reached temperatures exceeding 110 degrees. Tiede, a well-known offender whose 1996 murder of a wealthy widow inspired the film “Bernie,” was moved to an air-conditioned cell following a court order but he’s not guaranteed to stay there this year.

Last month’s filing expands the plaintiffs to include every inmate incarcerated in uncooled Texas prisons, which have led to the deaths of dozens of Texas inmates and cost the state millions of dollars as it fights wrongful death and civil rights lawsuits.

The plaintiffs ask that an Austin federal judge declare the state’s prison policy unconstitutional and require that prisons be kept under 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Texas jails are already required to keep facilities cooler than 85 degrees, and federal prisons in Texas have a 76 degree maximum.

Between June and August last year, the average temperature was 85.3 degrees — the second hottest on record behind 2011. And this year does not look to be much cooler. The most recent winter season ranked warmest on record for the contiguous U.S., according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Scientists have found that climate change has resulted in more severe and longer lasting heat waves. In the last decade, Texas has experienced over 1,000 days of record-breaking heat, compared to a normal decade.

In the hot summer months, those concrete and metal cells can reach over 130 degrees, formerly incarcerated Texans said during an April 22 press conference. Legal representatives hope to prove those conditions are unconstitutional.

“What is truly infuriating is the failure to acknowledge that everyone in the system — all 130,000 prisoners — are at direct risk of being impacted by something that has a simple solution that has been around since the 1930s, and that is air conditioning,” attorney Jeff Edwards told reporters. Edwards was the lead attorney in a 2014 prison rights case that cited the nearly two dozen Texas prison inmates who died from heat stroke over the previous two decades. That case culminated in a settlement, where TDCJ agreed to install air conditioning at the Wallace Pack Unit near College Station.

About two thirds of the inmates housed across TDCJ’s facilities live in areas without air conditioning. Advocates and inmates’ families have long fought to cool prisons in a state where summer temperatures routinely exceed triple digits and pose dangerous conditions to inmates and correctional officers.

Although the state has not reported a heat-related death since 2012, researchers and inmates’ families dispute those statistics. A 2022 study found that 14 prison deaths per year were associated with heat. Last year, a Texas Tribune analysis found that at least 41 people had died in uncooled prisons during the state’s record-breaking heat wave.

Health problems that have been linked to excessive heat include renal diseases, cardiovascular mortality, respiratory illnesses and suicides, Julie Skarha, a epidemiology researcher at Brown University who authored the 2022 study, told reporters on Monday.

Skarha said while death certificates may not list heat strokes — a condition when the body can no longer control its temperature — as the official cause of death, her research indicates that many prisoners have died from heat-related causes.

“Heat deaths haven’t magically stopped,” the lawsuit states. “TDCJ has simply stopped reporting or admitting them after the multiple wrongful death lawsuits and national news coverage.”

TDCJ spokesperson Amanda Hernandez declined to comment on the lawsuit, saying the agency does not comment on pending litigation. But she emphasized that the department has been adding more air conditioning units since 2018.

“Each year we’ve been working to add cool beds, and we’ll continue to do so,” she said.

She also pointed to the departments’ “enhanced heating protocols” which are activated from April to October and include providing ice water to inmates and allowing them to purchase fans and cooling towels from the commissary.

Lawyers argue that these mitigation tactics are insufficient to combat the state’s sweltering temperatures. To survive the heat, incarcerated people report having to flood their toilets or sinks and lie down in the water on the cell floor to try to cool their bodies, the lawsuit states.

“This isn’t an unpredictable event,” said attorney Erica Grossman, who is one of the lawyers representing the plaintiffs. “It gets hot every summer, and much like every other building in Texas — including buildings that have animals — we cool the building.”

TDCJ staff who work in the facilities are similarly impacted by the heat, said Michele Deitch, a senior lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin’s School of Law and LBJ School. The excessive heat invades all aspects of life in prisons: Staff must do physical work in heavy uniforms in the heat; the heat results in more violence among those incarcerated; and it leads to more use of force against prisoners, she said.

The TDCJ states on their heat mitigation protocols that staff are “encouraged to increase their water intake” during the hot summer month and are allowed to wear cooling towels and dri-fit compression shirts.

New research Skarha has conducted found that the number of assaults that occur in prisons without air conditioning increased as much as five times during summer months compared to that number in climate-controlled facilities.

Prison rights advocates say the state could easily fund air conditioning units across its prisons but has simply been unwilling to do so. During the last legislative session — when the state recorded a record surplus — the House proposed spending $545 million to install air-conditioning in most of the prison facilities lacking it. But the final budget did not include any money dedicated to air conditioning.

The House also passed a bill requiring prisons to be kept between 65 and 85 degrees, which is required already in jails and most federal facilities. But the bill failed in the more conservative Senate.

“We have the resources. We just seem to not have the compassion to do it,” Rep. Carl Sherman, D-DeSoto, said during the press conference. Sherman was one of the authors of the bill that would have regulated prison temperatures.

The Legislature did allocate approximately $85 million for “additional deferred maintenance projects,” in Texas prisons, and TDCJ is using that money to pay for air conditioning units. Hernandez estimated that those dollars will provide air conditioning for an estimated 10,000 inmates.

Disclosure: University of Texas at Austin has been a financial supporter of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Financial supporters play no role in the Tribune’s journalism. Find a complete list of them here.

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Texas inmates are being ‘cooked to death’ in extreme heat, complaint alleges on May 4, 2024.

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Orangutan Observed Treating a Wound With a Medicinal Plant for the First Time

Biologists have observed a Sumatran male orangutan using the sap and chewed leaves of a medicinal plant to treat an open wound on his face.

While there has been previous evidence of self-medication behaviors in animals, it is the first known incident of an animal in the wild treating a wound with a “biologically active substance,” a press release from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior said.

“During daily observations of the orangutans, we noticed that a male named Rakus had sustained a facial wound, most likely during a fight with a neighboring male,” said biologist Isabelle Laumer, the study’s lead author, in the press release.

The orangutan ate and applied sap numerous times from a climbing plant that had pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. He also used the plant mesh to cover the entire gash on his face.

“Thus, medical wound treatment may have arisen in a common ancestor shared by humans and orangutans,” the press release said. “While sick and avoidance behavior can be regularly observed in non-human animals, self-medication in the form of ingestion of specific plant parts is widespread in animals but exhibited at low frequencies. The closest relatives to humans, the great apes, are known to ingest specific plants to treat parasite infection and to rub plant material on their skin to treat sore muscles.”

The study was conducted in Indonesia’s Suaq Balimbing protected rainforest, home to roughly 150 Sumatran orangutans, a critically endangered species.

Rakus carefully tore leaves from the Akar Kuning (Fibraurea tinctoria) or liana plant three days following his injury. He chewed the leaves and applied their juice repeatedly to the wound for several minutes, then covered the cut with the munched up leaves.

“This and related liana species that can be found in tropical forests of Southeast Asia are known for their analgesic and antipyretic effects and are used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases, such as malaria. Analyses of plant chemical compounds show the presence of furanoditerpenoids and protoberberine alkaloids, which are known to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antioxidant, and other biological activities of relevance to wound healing,” Laumer said in the press release.

The wound did not show signs of being infected after the injury and had closed after five days.

“Interestingly, Rakus also rested more than usual when being wounded. Sleep positively affects wound healing as growth hormone release, protein synthesis and cell division are increased during sleep,” Laumer added.

Rakus is believed to have been roughly 32 years old when he applied the wound treatment, reported NPR.

“The behavior of Rakus appeared to be intentional as he selectively treated his facial wound on his right flange, and no other body parts, with the plant juice. The behavior was also repeated several times, not only with the plant juice but also later with more solid plant material until the wound was fully covered. The entire process took a considerable amount of time,” Laumer said in the press release.

Senior author of the study Caroline Schuppli, an orangutan researcher, evolutionary biologist and conservationist, said it was possible that Suaq orangutans using the medicinal plant to treat their wounds came about “through individual innovation.”

“Orangutans at the site rarely eat the plant. However, individuals may accidentally touch their wounds while feeding on this plant and thus unintentionally apply the plant’s juice to their wounds. As Fibraurea tinctoria has potent analgesic effects, individuals may feel an immediate pain release, causing them to repeat the behavior several times,” Schuppli said.

Left: Pictures of Fibraurea tinctoria leaves. Right: Rakus feeding on Fibraurea tinctoria leaves (photo taken on the day after applying the plant mesh to the wound). Saidi Agam / Suaq Project

Because the wound treatment behavior had not been seen before, using Fibraurea tinctoria for this purpose may not have been previously used by Suaq orangutans. As with all the area’s adult males, Rakus’ birthplace is unknown, but he was not born there.

“Orangutan males disperse from their natal area during or after puberty over long distances to either establish a new home range in another area or are moving between other’s home ranges,” Schuppli explained in the press release. “Therefore, it is possible that the behavior is shown by more individuals in his natal population outside the Suaq research area.”

The active application of a biologically active substance for wound management by a great ape species brings new insight into self-medication in humans’ closest relatives, as well as wound medication’s evolutionary origins in general.

“The treatment of human wounds was most likely first mentioned in a medical manuscript that dates back to 2200 BC, which included cleaning, plastering, and bandaging of wounds with certain wound care substances,” Schuppli said. “As forms of active wound treatment are not just human, but can also be found in both African and Asian great apes, it is possible that there exists a common underlying mechanism for the recognition and application of substances with medical or functional properties to wounds and that our last common ancestor already showed similar forms of ointment behavior.”

Considered one of the World’s Top 25 Most Endangered Primate Species, there are only approximately 14,000 individual Sumatran orangutans left, according to the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme.

The biggest threat to these highly intelligent, beautiful creatures is habitat loss due to the conversion of forests for the growing and harvesting of palm oil and other agricultural development.

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Extreme Drought in Philippines Reveals Centuries-Old Town

A centuries-old town emerged in the Philippines recently when a long drought dried up a dam.

Southeast Asia has been experiencing deadly extreme heat, causing school closures, work-from-home orders and withered crops.

The ruins of the town of Pantabangan in Nueva Ecija province have given local residents in the rice-growing region another income source from tourists coming to see the historic sight.

“When I heard about the sunken church of old Pantabangan town resurfacing, I got excited and wanted to see it,” said Aurea Delos Santos, a retired nurse in her early 60s, as Reuters reported.

Taking tourists to and from the island has boosted some locals’ earnings significantly.

“Back then, I was only earning 200 pesos ($3.50) from fishing, but when the tourists arrived, I’m earning 1,500 to 1,800 per day,” said Nelson Dellera, a local fisherman, as reported by Reuters.

The dam — constructed after the town was relocated during the 1970s to make way for a reservoir — is now the primary water and irrigation source for Nueva Ecija and other provinces in the area, the local government said, as The Guardian reported.

Water levels at the dam have fallen 85.3 feet already this year, revealing the foundations of the nearly 300-year-old town and portions of a church. The current level at Pantabangan dam is 23 feet lower than last year.

Marlon Paladin — a supervising engineer with the country’s National Irrigation Administration — told AFP that parts of the town started resurfacing in March following several months with “almost no rain.”

Pantabangan has reappeared five other times since the reservoir was created, but this was the longest Paladin had seen at one time.

The Philippines is one of the countries most at risk from climate change impacts, as its warm and dry season can bring drought and extreme sea surface temperatures, while the wet season can result in huge storms, including Super Typhoon Haiyan, which struck the country in 2013 and is known as one of the strongest ever recorded.

“The general impact of climate change on the Philippines is warmer temperatures. The heat that we are experiencing, it could steadily increase in the coming days,” Benison Estareja, a meteorologist with the state’s Pagasa weather bureau, told BBC News.

Even the Jesus Good Shepherd School in the city of Imus, south of Manila — which has an air conditioner in every classroom, a rarity — sent students home last week, reported The New York Times.

“It is hard for the students and teachers alike to concentrate, because the air-con is struggling, too,” said Ana Marie Macarimbang, one of the school’s fifth-grade teachers who has been teaching for almost two decades. “We are in a tropical country, yes, but the heat now is more intense than I can remember.”

Global heating due to human-caused climate change is contributing to extreme weather all over the planet, including more deadly and frequent floods, heat waves, wildfires and supercharged storms.

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Biden Expands Two National Monuments in California

The Biden administration announced plans to expand two national monuments in California: the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument.

The move, announced on May 2, will add protections to nearly 120,000 acres of land in the state. The expansion contributes to President Joe Biden’s target of conserving and restoring at least 30% of lands and waters in the U.S. by 2030 under the America the Beautiful Initiative.

The expansion of the monuments will preserve areas of cultural and ecological importance. 

“These expansions will increase access to nature, boost our outdoor economy, and honor areas of significance to Tribal Nations and Indigenous peoples as we continue to safeguard our public lands for all Americans and for generations to come,” Vice President Kamala Harris shared in a statement.

The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, near Los Angeles, will increase by 105,919 acres, adding to an existing 346,177 acres. The area includes habitat for the endangered California condor as well as California spotted owl and Nelson’s bighorn sheep, according to the U.S. Forest Service.

Because of increased visits to the park, the administration also announced plans to increase park staff, improve accessibility and reduce pollution, among other investment projects for the national monument.

In northern California, the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument will expand by 13,696 acres, adding to an existing 330,000 acres. As part of this expansion, the ridgeline in the expansion area will be renamed from Walker Ridge to Molok Loyuk, or Condor Ridge. This sacred and ecologically important ridgeline includes rare wetlands, and the lands in the expansion area include nearly 500 native California plant species. The expansion area is also home to wildlife such as tule elk, mountain lions, bald eagles and golden eagles, according to a news release from The White House.

“These expansions honor Tribal Nations and Indigenous peoples by protecting sacred ancestral places and their historically important features, while conserving our public lands, protecting scientific features, including critical wildlife habitat and migration corridors, safeguarding clean water, and supporting local economies,” The White House said in a statement.

As The Associated Press reported, critics have argued the expansions would limit resources for agriculture and other uses outside of conservation.

According to The White House statement, these expansions will not impact the state’s or private land owners’ property rights, and any lands under state or private ownership within the expansion areas are not included in the monuments.

The two expansion projects bring the total of national monument expansions under the Biden administration to seven. The administration has also conserved over 41 million acres of U.S. lands and waters so far.

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The country’s first new aluminum smelter in 45 years could cut production emissions by 75%

Aluminum is a crucial raw ingredient in the fight against climate change. But to ensure the transition off fossil fuels is a clean one, the industry needs a serious makeover. A new federally funded “green smelter” could help make that happen.

Making this remarkably versatile metal requires a huge — and near-constant — supply of electricity. Much of it is generated by burning fossil fuels, which is one reason aluminum manufacturers are responsible for about 1.1 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions a year. That’s more than twice the amount all of Australia spews annually.  

Cleaning things up poses a huge challenge, one the Department of Energy, or DOE, wants to help solve. In March, the agency announced $6 billion in funding for “industrial demonstration” projects that showcase promising strategies for reducing the climate impact of heavy industry. The need is particularly acute, because heavy industrial processes like aluminum production generate nearly one-third of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. 

The beneficiaries of the government’s cleanup effort include Century Aluminum Company, which could receive up to half a billion dollars to build the nation’s first new aluminum smelter in 45 years. The facility, dubbed the Green Aluminum Smelter, could double the amount of virgin, or primary, aluminum the country produces while emitting 75 percent less CO2 than older smelters, thanks to increased efficiency and the use of renewable electricity. The grant, which is awaiting finalization, is a “huge vote of confidence and a shot in the arm” for the industry, said Annie Sartor, the aluminum campaign director at Industrious Labs, a nonprofit focused on industrial decarbonization

That could boost a sector on life support. Although the United States once led the world in producing the lightweight and durable metal, most of the country’s aluminum smelters have shuttered since the 1980s due to rising energy costs, falling prices, and a broader trend of American firms sending manufacturing overseas. Production, which peaked in 1980 at 4.65 million metric tons per year, has declined by more than 80 percent since then, according to the BlueGreen Alliance, a coalition of environmental organizations and labor groups. That puts the U.S. in a tricky position as demand surges: A report released last year by researchers at Dartmouth and Princeton universities found that the country’s wind and solar industries alone could require nearly 8 million metric tons of the material annually by 2035. That’s nearly double the amount of primary and recycled aluminum the country produced in 2022.

And that’s to say nothing of the aluminum required for EVs, power transmission lines, and countless other applications, from cookware to cell phones. Even recycling the stuff requires virgin material, which is mixed into all those melted cans and car parts and other scrap to produce quality metal.

While there’s little question the U.S. will need a lot more aluminum, how it is made is increasingly important. Production starts with converting bauxite, an aluminum-rich ore, into a purified powder called alumina. That material is then smelted to produce the metal. All that mining and processing creates ecological destruction, generates toxic waste, and releases a cocktail of pollutants. It can also help warm the planet: Carbon emissions occur throughout the process, but more than 60 percent of them come from generating the electricity used in smelting. A large operation can require enough juice to power millions of homes.

“We’re talking about truly eye-watering amounts of electricity,” said Rebecca Dell, an industrial decarbonization expert with the nonprofit ClimateWorks Foundation. If the industry hopes to reduce its carbon footprint, “the first, most important thing to do is to use clean electricity.”

Such efforts are underway throughout the world. Although China, the world’s largest producer of primary aluminum, relies upon coal-fired power plants to generate much of the electricity needed to hold that title, others are proving that clean energy can deliver dramatic emissions reductions. Smelters in Norway and Quebec, Canada, release far fewer greenhouse gases because they use hydropower, while those in Iceland tap the nation’s abundant geothermal resources.

An enormous stack of new aluminum bars, each weighing about 1,400 pounds, sit stacked on the grounds of a smelting operation in Kentucky
Aluminum sows, or bars, each weighing about 1,400 pounds, sit stacked on the grounds of Century Aluminum Company’s plant in Hawesville, Kentucky. Luke Sharrett /For The Washington Post via Getty Images

Century Aluminum, a global producer that’s been around since 1995, already operates a low-carbon smelter in Iceland that’s capable of churning out over 300,000 tons of aluminum each year. The company hopes the DOE funding will allow it to bolster its presence in the U.S., where it operates two smaller smelters in Kentucky and another in South Carolina, while significantly expanding its production of low-carbon aluminum. It hasn’t said exactly how much of the metal its proposed smelter will be able to produce, but based on the expectation that it will roughly double the nation’s virgin production, Sartor suspects the goal is to churn out “just under” a million tons of the metal annually. (The U.S. produced 750,000 tons of virgin aluminum in 2023.) Neither Century Aluminum nor the DOE have said when the smelter might begin operations.

While many details are uncertain, including the smelter’s production capacity and the construction timetable, one thing is clear: The new plant will be expensive. Sartor said Century Aluminum will need all of the money DOE is offering and much more.

“Building a new, large-scale, modern aluminum facility is far more than just twice that amount,” Sartor said. According to energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie, aluminum smelters outside of China can cost up to $4 billion per million tons of annual production.

Beyond building the infrastructure needed to produce aluminum lies the question of how to produce the clean electricity needed to power it. According to the DOE, Century Aluminum’s preferred site is in Kentucky, a state with lackluster clean energy credentials. In 2020, the Bluegrass State had a paltry 30.1 megawatts of solar generating capacity and no wind energy production whatsoever. Sartor says she expects a plant of this size to require “somewhere in the neighborhood of a gigawatt” of power. That’s enough to serve 800,000 U.S. homes for a year. “The only way that will happen is if gargantuan amounts of clean energy get built in Kentucky,” Sartor said. “There’s no other way around this.” 

A representative for Century Aluminum told Grist the company is “excited to move this transformational project forward,” but declined to answer other questions or say how it plans to secure the carbon-free energy required. The DOE wouldn’t speak to the challenges that may arise procuring clean energy, citing ongoing award negotiations. 

That said, the site hasn’t been finalized, and locations within the Ohio and Mississippi River basins are also reportedly under consideration. Dell believes that brings an interesting political dimension to the project because Century Aluminum expects the smelter to create more than 1,000 full-time union jobs and another 5,500 construction jobs. 

“That’s a very attractive economic development opportunity for a state like Kentucky — or maybe for its neighbors,” Dell said. Century Aluminum, Dell said, is effectively putting Kentucky and nearby states — many of which haven’t exactly embraced renewables — on notice that “there’s a huge opportunity on the table if you guys can figure out a way to develop the electricity that’s needed.”

If Century Aluminum succeeds in finding the clean energy it needs, it could help catalyze changes in other industrial sectors such as steelmaking. Dell notes that in most of the “high value added markets” for steel, like the automotive sector, the primary competition is aluminum.

“Both of these industries are constantly trying to convince the car companies, ‘use our metal, not their metal,’” Dell said. “Having more clean aluminum out there will certainly act as an encouragement to the steel industry to clean up their act.”

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline The country’s first new aluminum smelter in 45 years could cut production emissions by 75% on May 3, 2024.

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Illinois passed a law to clean up coal ash 5 years ago. What’s taking so long?

This coverage is made possible through a partnership between WBEZ and Grist, a nonprofit environmental media organization. Sign up for WBEZ newsletters to get local news you can trust.

Celeste Flores can tell you the good news about living in Waukegan, Illinois: The air is safer to breathe now.

“Thankfully, we are no longer breathing coal being burned,” said Flores, a co-chair of Clean Power Lake County, or CPLC, an environmental justice organization serving the mostly Latino suburb about 40 miles north of Chicago. The explanation behind that is simple: The Waukegan Generating Station near the shore of Lake Michigan closed in 2022 after decades of pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and coal ash into the ground. 

Flores can also tell you the bad news: The toxic coal ash is still there, dangerously close to the groundwater. 

But the explanation behind why the pollution remains in the ground is more complicated than shutting a plant down.

Coal ash is a cocktail of hazardous pollutants leftover from coal combustion. Across the country, plant operators dumped that heavy metal-laden sludge into holes in the ground, sometimes called ponds or impoundments. Sometimes these ponds are lined, and sometimes they aren’t. None of the ponds in Waukegan that are lined meet current state and federal standards. 

In 2019, the state confirmed what advocates like Flores had long suspected: that coal ash had leached into nearby groundwater. Worse yet, the coal ash was stored right near Lake Michigan.

That same year, Flores helped push Illinois lawmakers to pass landmark coal ash regulation, which compelled managers of coal ash owners to submit plans to either clean up their operations or shut down. 

About three years ago the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) finalized exactly how operators had to submit these proposals. But plans are on hold for securing the three coal ash storage pits in Waukegan. The IEPA hasn’t finalized permits for those sites, so they continue to threaten groundwater.

“When it comes to the implementation of these rules, it’s 2024 and we don’t have permits yet,” said Flores. “And I don’t think anyone was expecting that.” 

two women standing in front of trees.
Celeste Flores, left, said the air is easier to breathe now in Waukegan, Illinois. Both she and Dulce Ortiz, right, worked to get a coal-burning plant in their suburb shut down. Now they’re trying to remove the coal ash that threatens their drinking water and Lake Michigan.
Juanpablo Ramirez-Franco / Grist

Illinois set itself apart from the majority of the country when it finalized its coal ash rules back in 2021. Most states, save for a handful like North Carolina and Michigan, relied on 2015 federal guidelines designed to monitor and clean up only some coal ash residuals. 

For years, the federal rule excluded inactive coal ash ponds and landfills from oversight. An analysis by Earthjustice found that the 2015 rules grandfathered in over 300 of these sites across 48 states. Illinois’ more protective mandate, however, brought them into the state’s regulatory orbit.

Even so, advocates say the forthcoming permits are dragging.

“The Illinois EPA has been reviewing these proposed permits for almost two years,” said Andrew Rehn, the director of climate policy at Prairie Rivers Network in Champaign. “And that’s, like, a long time for these permits to sit and just be under review.” 

The Illinois EPA is currently reviewing 44 separate coal ash surface impoundment permit applications for 25 current or former power plant sites across the state. Earlier this month, two and a half years since the first permit applications were submitted, the agency issued its first two draft permits.  

The agency said in a statement to Grist and WBEZ that, “due to the complexity of the information required in the applications, in most cases [the] Illinois EPA has requested additional information or clarification from the applicants.” The statement went on to say that it can take weeks to months to “gather additional information or to analyze groundwater modeling data.”

Coal power plants have sought to make exceptions for their permits and have effectively stalled the permit process until the Illinois Pollution Control Board is able to resolve the requests. According to the IEPA, this is the major holdup with the Waukegan permits. 

Meanwhile, new federal regulations issued last week give the nation’s fleet of coal power plants and new natural gas plants an ultimatum: adapt or shut down. The power plants have eight years to come up with a plan to capture 90 percent of their greenhouse gas emissions or commit to closing by 2039. 

Advocates with the Waukegan group see this long awaited move as a step closer to phasing out coal for good. Although the coal business is in decline, it still has an outsized role in driving climate change and polluting surrounding communities. More than half of the country’s carbon dioxide emissions from electric power generation are attributable to burning coal, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration

Almost every coal power plant operator in the country is now staring down the same finish line in 2039. Included in the new rule are stricter safeguards for the coal ash pollution those plants will leave behind in the meantime.

“With the 2015 rules, there was a circle of ponds and landfills that were subject to regulation,” said Megan Wachspress, a staff attorney with the Sierra Club. “That circle of ponds and landfills and other dump sites just got bigger.”

Inactive coal ash ponds and landfills are now part of the family of coal ash dumps that the federal government demands operators monitor and clean up when they threaten water resources. 

If it was just a coal plant in Waukegan, Flores said, her organization’s fight might be more manageable. “But there’s so many other things.”  

There are five Superfund sites scattered in and around the north shore suburb. These are abandoned lots so contaminated with hazardous materials that the federal government has taken over cleanup. Pointing in several directions, Flores said there are Superfund sites immediately north, south, and west of the old coal plant.

And that means generations of Waukegan residents have had to struggle with medical problems and even premature death because of their toxic environment. 

There’s no question for Flores about what comes next: The coal ash must be removed from the ground. But to do that, state and federal agencies need to pick up the pace. 

“It’s about making sure that we know that we’re leaving behind a community that’s healthier than what we received,” Flores said.

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Illinois passed a law to clean up coal ash 5 years ago. What’s taking so long? on May 3, 2024.

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Parrots Prefer Live Video Calls With Other Parrots Over Pre-Recorded Videos, Study Finds

A new study by researchers at University of Glasgow has found that pet parrots prefer video calling other parrots over watching pre-recorded bird videos.

Animal-computer interaction specialists provided nine parrots and their caretakers with tablets to explore how video chats might expand the social lives of the birds, a press release from University of Glasgow said.

“Our previous research had shown that parrots seem to benefit from the opportunity to video-call each other, which could help reduce the mental and physical toll that living in domestic situations can take on them,” said lead author of the paper Dr. Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas of the School of Computing Science at University of Glasgow in the press release. “In the wild, they live in flocks and socialise with each other constantly. As pets, they’re often kept on their own, which can cause them to develop negative behaviours like excessive pacing or feather-plucking.”

The results of the six-month study suggest that these intelligent creatures — who are often lonely being confined in human residences — can distinguish between live and pre-recorded digital content, but much prefer to interact in real time with other birds.

The parrots in the study initiated calls to other birds much more often than they chose to watch pre-recorded videos.

The birds also appeared more engaged when chatting live. They spent a lot more time on bird-to-bird calls than watching a variety of videos.

“In this study, we wanted to see if we could identify differences in behaviour when parrots were given agency over what they could see on their devices. Would they notice when the pre-recorded parrot on the screen didn’t respond the same way a live one did? And if so, what could that tell us about designing future systems to fit their needs?” Hirskyj-Douglas said in the press release.

The findings of the study could influence the developing “animal internet,” which gives animals the chance to interact with each other, as well as humans, in new ways using digital technology.

On the tablets given to the parrots’ caregivers were large colorful buttons with pictures of other birds in the study. The parrots were trained to indicate when they wanted to start calls on Facebook Messenger by ringing a bell.

Following introductions of the birds via video chat, they were given access to 12 sessions of a total of 36 hours. A maximum of two calls was allowed during each session for up to three hours.

Six sessions connected parrots with another bird from the study, while the other six were a pre-recorded video of one of the contacts. Following each session, caregivers recorded parrots’ reactions.

Overall engagement varied, but the parrots spent 4.43 minutes on average with other live birds and 2.77 minutes watching the recorded videos. They spent a total of 561 minutes on live chats and 142 minutes watching recorded content.

Of a possible 108 live calls, the birds initiated 65. However, in the pre-recorded part of the study they only watched 40 videos. During the live calls, they reached their limit of two calls 46 percent of the time, but opted for two pre-recorded videos just one-quarter of the time.

Caregivers reported that the parrots seemed to be more engaged during live calls, frequently moving closer to see their chat companion, as well as mirroring each others’ behavior. On the other hand, it was reported that birds appeared less interested in the pre-recorded videos. Some birds refused to initiate calls, while others flew quickly away from the screen.

“Working closely with caregivers to design the study has given us new insight into how these intelligent birds react to the complex stimulus digital tablets can provide,” Hirskyj-Douglas said in the press release. “The appearance of ‘liveness’ really did seem to make a difference to the parrots’ engagement with their screens. Their behaviour while interacting with another live bird often reflected behaviours they would engage in with other parrots in real life, which wasn’t the case in the pre-recorded sessions. Some caregivers believed that their parrots were capable of differentiating between the sessions. One told us that their bird enjoyed vocalising with another live bird but quickly lost interest when there was no response to their calls during pre-recorded videos.”

Caregivers said the study helped them feel more engaged and closer to their parrot, with 77 percent saying they thought their bird had a positive response to the live chats and 70 percent expressing observations of a positive reaction to the pre-recorded videos.

“This was a small study, and we can’t draw any definite conclusions at this stage about whether the parrots were in some way aware of the differences between live and pre-recorded interactions. However, the results are compelling, and suggest that further study is definitely warranted,” Hirskyj-Douglas said. “The internet holds a great deal of potential for giving animals agency to interact with each other in new ways, but the systems we build to help them do that need to be designed around their specific needs and physical and mental abilities. Studies like this could help to lay the foundations of a truly animal-centred internet.”

The paper, Call of the Wild Web: Parrot Engagement in Live vs. Pre-recorded Video Calls, will be presented at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Honolulu from May 11 to 16.

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Unprecedented Floods and Landslides in Kenya Kill 188, Displace 165,000

Since March, flooding and landslides throughout Kenya have killed at least 188 people, with dozens still missing, according to the country’s ministry of the interior, as AFP reported. There have been at least 125 injuries with 165,000 people displaced.

The flooding has taken out bridges and roads while destroying homes and infrastructure. A flash flood on Monday killed at least 48 people in the town of Mai Mahiu in central Kenya, reported Reuters.

A heavy downpour caused a river to overflow its banks on Wednesday in the Maasai Mara wildlife reserve, stranding many people, including almost 100 tourists, AFP said.

“Accessing the Mara is now a nightmare and the people stuck there are really worried, they don’t have an exit route,” said Stephen Nakola, sub-county administrator of Narok West, who said there were likely to be waterborne diseases, as AFP reported. “I am worried that the situation could get worse because the rains are still on.”

Nakola told AFP bridges had been washed away and the area was currently inaccessible. Nakola added that roughly 50 camps at the reserve had been affected, causing more than 500 local workers to be temporarily unemployed.

Two helicopters had been deployed to rescue local staff and tourists who had been stranded, authorities said, according to CNN.

On Thursday, James Apolloh Omenya, a 27-year-old tour guide, told CNN that the sounds of rushing flood waters had awakened him. The water had risen to his waist, and the area surrounding Talek Bush Camp was submerged.

“My driver and I were the first to wake up, so we woke up all the 14 international tourists and 25 staff and climbed ladders to some water tanks that are raised,” Omenya told CNN. “We were being rained on from around 2 a.m. to 5.30 a.m. but we couldn’t get out.”

Kenya’s Red Cross said more than 90 people had been rescued, while more than a dozen camps in the area surrounding River Talek were closed.

Locals said the rainy season had flooded parts of the Mara before, but the extent of this year’s floods was unprecedented.

Rains last year came after the worst drought seen in decades in large swaths of East Africa, reported Reuters.

Red Cross workers from Kenya were helping residents marooned by floods in Kitengela, about 20 miles from Nairobi.

Highways and other roads had been closed because of flooding and debris.

“Kenya is facing a worsening flood crisis due to the combined effects of El Niño and the ongoing March-May 2024 long rains,” Jagan Chapagain, CEO of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, said on X.

Pope Francis expressed his sympathy for people in the country at the Vatican on Wednesday.

“I… wish to express to the people of Kenya my spiritual closeness at this time as severe flooding has tragically taken the lives of many of our brothers and sisters, injured others and caused widespread destruction,” the pope said.

The Horn of Africa region, which includes Kenya, is a highly climate-vulnerable area, CNN said. Burundi and Tanzania were also severely affected by the deluge.

“The unfolding devastation highlights the government’s obligation to prepare for and promptly respond to the foreseeable impacts of climate change and natural disasters,” said Nyagoah Tut Pur, Human Rights Watch Africa researcher, as CNN reported.

The post Unprecedented Floods and Landslides in Kenya Kill 188, Displace 165,000 appeared first on EcoWatch.

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