Tag: Eco-friendly Solutions

Extreme Heat 101: Your guide to staying safe and keeping cool

This story is part of Record High, a Grist series examining extreme heat and its impact on how — and where — we live.

As the days get shorter and kids head back to school, it may seem like the worst of summer heat is over. But the thermometer tells a different story: Last week saw dangerous heat domes descend over both the Midwest and Pacific Northwest, and it’s late summer that often brings the most sizzling weeks of the season — last year, parts of the West experienced their hottest September on record. And climate scientists agree: Our summers are only going to get hotter from here.

To that end, Grist asked a dozen experts for their best tips, tricks, and hacks when it comes to keeping ourselves, our loved ones, and our surroundings safe in an extreme heat event.

We’ll be posting shareable versions of this guide on Instagram — follow us @Grist to share these tips with your network.

How to treat heat illness

With advice from Kaipo Kelley, firefighter and paramedic, Escondido Fire Department

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You have to know the signs of heat illness to recognize when you or someone around you is suffering from it. Symptoms typically begin with heat cramps, which left untreated can worsen into heat exhaustion or a potentially fatal heat stroke, says Kaipo Kelley, a first responder in California. Here’s how to identify heat distress, and how to help.

Pay attention to cramping: Cramps typically occur while doing physical activity in heat. But what may feel like normal workout cramps are actually signs of serious dehydration. Look out for fatigue, sweating, and cramps in the legs, arms, and shoulders. 

Move to a cool space: Get the person to shade or air conditioning, and have them hydrate with water and (if possible) electrolytes. Take off any unnecessary layers, such as jackets and backpacks, to help sweat evaporate, and massage the muscles to allow more blood flow to that area.

Recognize heat exhaustion: If a person ignores heat cramps, they could develop heat exhaustion as the body tries to preserve its vital organs by sending blood primarily to the core instead of the extremities. Signs include muscle aches or cramps; headache; excessive sweating and thirst; feeling lightheaded or dizzy; nausea or vomiting; and pale, cool, clammy skin, especially on the extremities.

Actively cool: In addition to removing heavy clothes, providing water, and moving to shade or A/C, help the person lay down and elevate their legs. Actively bring body temperature down by applying damp cloths, and spray them with water or a fan mister if available. 

Watch out for heat stroke: Heat stroke occurs when the body’s temperature has reached dangerously high levels. A temperature at or above 103 degrees is life-threatening and can cause permanent injury to the brain. Signs of heat stroke include altered mental status; confusion, irritability, or unresponsiveness; severe fatigue; a fast pulse; nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea; lack of sweat (though sweating is possible too); and hot and dry skin.

Act fast: If you think someone is experiencing heat stroke, call 911, then take actions to quickly lower their temperature. In addition to the steps above, place ice packs on areas near large blood vessels, like the groin, armpits, neck, and core — or dunk them in cold or iced water. Only provide drinking water if they can maintain a gag reflex.

Go deeper: Red Cross offers a wide variety of first-aid training for individuals and organizations. NOLS’ Wilderness First Responder course teaches skills that are applicable to more than just the outdoors — you can also take their courses through your local REI store. Kelley also suggests looking up paramedic or EMT 101 courses at your local community college.

How to cool down a hot home

With advice from Al Mitchell and Aditya Singh of Phius; Brett Little of Green Home Institute; and Lacey Tan of RMI’s Carbon-Free Buildings program 

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Even if you don’t have air conditioning, there’s a lot you can do to alleviate the heat in your home before and during a heat wave. We asked sustainable-buildings experts for their best home hacks, retrofits, and gear that can help keep cool air in and hot air out. 

Get an energy audit: Hire a professional to do a home assessment. Using specialized equipment, they can identify the places where hot air is seeping in and recommend energy-saving ways to prevent it — or you can do the audit yourself.

Seal your house: Close any openings around windows, doors, and attics to prevent hot air from entering. If you don’t know where or how to start, a weatherization contractor can help (the Department of Energy offers financial assistance and many utilities offer rebates). Interior storm inserts can help keep seal older windows, too. 

Consider retrofits: Energy Star-certified reflective roofs and insulated interior shades with reflective outer layers help reject heat, better insulation and newer windows will help keep hot air out, and installing exterior overhangs above windows can block the sun. 

Dehumidify ahead of time: Heat is most dangerous when it’s paired with humidity, which impedes the body’s ability to sweat. If you can’t afford a whole-home dehumidifier, get a standalone one and run it before a heatwave to get indoor humidity down to about 40 percent.

“Night flush” when it cools off: At nighttime when the outside air tends to be cooler than inside, place a box fan in the window of the warmest room to pull the hot air out. Then crack windows on the cooler sides of the house (probably the north side). 

Go DIY: If you live in a dry climate, hang damp towels in front of windows to lower interior temperatures, or make your own air conditioner with a bucket of water, a fan, and some tubing — there are plenty of tutorials online. 

Take advantage of tax credits: An energy-efficient home is often a cooler one, and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act has introduced dozens of incentives in this regard. There are tax credits for energy audits, air sealing, insulation materials, energy-efficient doors and windows, and heat pumps, which use less electricity than air conditioners. 

Go deeper: Rewiring America offers a great guide to which Inflation Reduction Act rebates and credits you qualify for and when they become available. Wildgrid can guide you through various insulation solutions and connect you with an expert. 

How to keep kids healthy and happy in a heat wave

With advice from Jennifer Louie, senior clinical psychologist at Child Mind Institute; Elizabeth Bechard, senior policy analyst at Moms Clean Air Force; and Mary DeMocker, author of The Parents’ Guide to Climate Revolution

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Children are especially vulnerable to excessive heat — smaller bodies can’t regulate temperature as efficiently as bigger, adult ones. It can also be more difficult for them to understand climate emergencies, leading to anxiety. We asked a psychologist, mental health policy analyst, and family advocate for ways to keep kids healthy and happy when temperatures are dangerous. 

Be candid: Help kids understand heat waves by talking about the climate, what’s making it worse, and how families can fight back. For most kids 7 and up, be honest. For younger ones, children’s books can be especially helpful. Use the indoor time together to learn about the many science-based solutions within our collective reach.

Address their emotions: If kids express climate anxiety, be sure to listen, and acknowledge how they’re feeling. Tell them that you believe they can handle the fear, and that you’re there to help. Taking action to fight climate change, like composting or organizing a fundraiser, can also be empowering for kids of all ages. 

Make a family plan: Ease feelings of uncertainty by working together on a course of action. Identify cool spaces to go, such as a family member’s house with A/C or a public library, and safe activities like visiting a pool, shady park, or movie theater. Review the signs of heat illness and discuss healthy things to eat and drink for cooling and hydration.

Keep kids hydrated: Make sure your kids are drinking cold water. If they’re resistant, try to make it tastier with some electrolyte powders, and add in cool, water-heavy foods, like watermelon, smoothies and fruit-juice popsicles. 

Focus on indoor fun: Unplug! Stock your home with used puzzles, board games, art supplies, and even puppets for some imaginative play. Turn your living room into an art gallery: Challenge everyone to make a masterpiece and tack it to the wall. If your home is cool enough, get a little movement going by cranking the dance music, or trying indoor foam darts, hacky sacks, or juggling balls.

Loop in caretakers: Talk to your children’s teachers, childcare providers, and camp counselors to ensure everyone caring for your children knows what to do to prevent and treat heat-related illness. If your child takes medication, ask their doctor if it may make them more sensitive to extreme heat, and if so, make sure to tell any other caretakers. 

Take care of yourself, too: Extreme heat can be profoundly stressful for parents, who need and deserve support as well. Tend to your own emotions about climate change by attending a peer climate support group or a Good Grief Network group, or even talking to a climate-aware therapist. Have as much compassion for yourself as possible.

Go deeper: Check out Elizabeth Bechard’s book Parenting in a Changing Climate and Mary DeMocker’s The Parent’s Guide to Climate Revolution: 100 Ways to Build a Fossil-Free Future, Raise Empowered Kids, and Still Get a Good Night’s Sleep. Moms Clean Air Force has put together a fact sheet on Climate Change and Mental Health, as well as a list of books and articles that can help parents talk to kids about climate change. 

How to build a neighbor network

With advice from Scott James, social entrepreneur and author of Prepared Neighborhoods: Creating Resilience One Street at a Time 

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In a climate emergency like a heat wave, neighbors are our first line of defense — but only if we know who they are. Creating a neighbor network allows communities to gather contact information, pool resources, share skills, and identify who is most vulnerable in a crisis, says social entrepreneur Scott James, who wrote a book on the subject. 

Host a meet-and-greet: Organize a neighborhood potluck for 20 or fewer people (keep your “pod” to a manageable size). Invite people whose homes are close together; in an emergency, that will make it easier to physically reach anyone who may need help. You don’t have to use the whole time for discussion, but leave at least 45 minutes for planning.

ID vulnerable neighbors: Make a contact list with everyone’s information and create a group text or social media group to be used in emergencies. Identify the elderly and those with medical conditions, no A/C, or other vulnerabilities, and designate who will check on them. Some of these neighbors may not have been able to attend your potluck, so go door-to-door if you need. 

Create an asset map: Write down which neighbors might have useful skills in a heat emergency — like medical training or handyman abilities — as well as helpful equipment, like a portable power station or extra fans. Designate a “hub” where people can go if they need help and lack cell phone battery or signal. 

Designate heat captains: Co-captains are best in case someone is out of town or needs help themselves. Create teams of people who are in charge of various tasks, whether that’s checking on elderly neighbors or setting up outdoor shade structures.

Draft an emergency plan: Compile all the info you’ve gleaned into a detailed outline or spreadsheet that can be printed and passed out or emailed to your pod. Keep a copy near your bed so that it’s easy to find if something happens in the middle of the night. 

Prepare your resources: Keep a backup power bank charged as well as extra water, electrolytes, coolers, and ice on hand. Check that all fans are in working order to deploy to neighbors who need them. Store a tarp and rope to create shaded outdoor areas for people whose houses get too hot, as well as a bucket, water, and fan to make a “swamp cooler.”

Go deeper: This Map Your Neighborhood, or MYN, discussion guide from the Washington state Emergency Management Department can help anyone get started. The department also offers additional MYN planning documents. Joining or founding a Community Emergency Response Team, or CERT, is another great way to get your neighborhood ready for a climate event.

How to make a heat plan for your workplace

With advice from Jose Carnevali, Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Shiloh Rowe, safety director at Associated General Contractors, Austin

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Working in sweltering conditions not only stifles productivity, it makes injuries more likely and poses a serious health risk. Many on-the-job heat emergencies are preventable — as long as your employer has a policy in place. Here’s what labor experts recommend when prepping a workplace to handle excessively hot temperatures. 

Know the rules (and your rights): Employers are required by federal law to provide a workplace “free from recognized hazards,” including heat, that could cause employees harm. Some states, such as California and Minnesota, have also adopted their own heat standards. Familiarize yourself with employer obligations and employee rights on OSHA’s website, and remember that you can file a complaint with OSHA if your job doesn’t feel safe.

Get ahead of risk: Work as a group to identify existing and potential hazards and what could be done to mitigate them. Maybe there’s a room with a faulty A/C, a pipe that always gets too hot, or a broken water fountain — be proactive about addressing dangers.

Train the team: Employees should be informed on the signs of heat illness and how to treat it. OSHA developed a printable heat-related illness prevention guide for employers, which doubles as a training aid and is also available in Spanish. Better yet, offer a comprehensive first-aid course, and make sure someone is always on the clock who is trained in first aid. 

Appoint a heat captain: Designate someone who will monitor coworkers for heat illness and who is authorized to stop work if conditions are too dangerous. Allow them to adjust work hours to cooler times of the day and make other accommodations, if possible.

Keep resources accessible: Make sure the following are always available, at no cost to employees: water, electrolytes, shady or cool areas, and PPE that protects from hot surfaces (like gloves). Make sure workers are getting enough fluids, but discourage them from consuming energy drinks, which can worsen dehydration. Implement mandatory paid rest breaks, and when it’s really hot, make them more frequent. 

Go slow: Bodies need time to gradually adjust to hot conditions. No workers should be going straight from an air-conditioned room to extreme heat. Gradually increase the amount of time spent in hot conditions before taking a break, and pay close attention to anyone returning from leave who may need additional time for their bodies to reacclimate to the heat. 

Seek guidance: Small and midsize businesses can get assistance with identifying and mitigating workplace hazards at no cost through OSHA’s On-Site Consultation Program. It’s available in all 50 states and some U.S. territories.

Go deeper: In addition to a trove of resources on preventing heat illness at work, OSHA also teamed up with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, or NIOSH, to create a heat-safety app that helps you evaluate when it might be unsafe to do outdoor work. 

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Extreme Heat 101: Your guide to staying safe and keeping cool on Aug 29, 2023.

Latest Eco-Friendly News

Black water: How industry is fighting stricter controls for a little-known drinking water contaminant

This story was co-published with Public Health Watch.

When David Butts’ water filter is off and he turns on a tap in his modest house in this rural community, black water streams out.

Butts said his water has gotten progressively worse in the past decade.

The 56-year-old retired home contractor is angry that he must spend around $50 a month on filters to clean his drinking water. And he worries that before he began using filters five years ago, the dirty water was threatening the health of his ailing, elderly mother, who lives with him.

Butts is not the only one upset over tap water. Dozens of other residents in this no-frills borough about an hour’s drive northwest of Pittsburgh have experienced repeated bouts of discolored water for years, costing them money and raising fears for their health. Residents say the tainted water stains bathroom fixtures and clothing, and residual sludge blocks pipes and destroys washing machines and water filters. Some are especially worried that the water could harm their children.

A growing number of people in Industry, population 1,800, say they’ve had enough. Last fall they asked the local water authority — the Industry Borough Municipal Authority — to investigate and rectify the problem. The authority’s annual water reports from 2019 to 2021 said the water was clean and met federal standards. But under public pressure, the authority asked a private company to collect and test water samples from nine homes, including Butts’. The results shocked and confused Industry residents: The tests found a little-known, problematic metal in the water — manganese. 

In low doses, manganese is essential for good health, ensuring proper metabolism, bone growth, and healing of wounds. But in high concentrations it becomes toxic and can cause neurological harm, including tremors and hearing loss, and even lead to symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease, reports the Office of Dietary Supplements, part of the National Institutes of Health. Symptoms may not appear for months or years. Manganese in drinking water may be particularly harmful to infants and children, various studies suggest: It is linked to lower IQ and behavioral problems like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

David Butts of Industry, Pennsylvania, stores his reverse osmosis water filtration system in his garage — the three wall-mounted canisters on the left.
Natasha Gilbert / Public Health Watch

High levels of manganese can be a serious problem, says Linda Birnbaum, former director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Toxicology Program. “It’s not good for people’s brains, especially infants and children. It’s very concerning.”

The tests in Industry found that one home had manganese levels 4.8 times higher than what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says protects people’s neurological health. That house and two others failed the EPA’s standard for appearance and taste. Butts’ unfiltered water and tests at six other sites were within safety and aesthetic limits — which Butts and others found hard to believe.

“Don’t tell me this water is clean,” he said. “How many people are getting sick when [the water authority] could have been doing something?”

Under Pennsylvania rules, drinking water providers must limit manganese to 50 micrograms per liter (µg/L) or below. However, they don’t have to test for the metal, so it can go undetected. The EPA and many other states and communities don’t set legal limits or enforce rules on the metal in drinking water. The EPA is considering whether manganese needs tighter guidelines or legal limits. But its efforts have met stiff resistance from industries that use manganese in their products or produce manganese as waste, including the steel, chemical, energy, and agricultural industries. 

Two smokestacks tower over a graveyard.
A skyline near Industry, Pennsylvania, speaks to the area’s current and past energy economy. A smoke stack from a now-shuttered, coal-fired power station sits near a cooling tower from a nuclear power plant.
Natasha Gilbert / Public Health Watch

A search of federal records, some obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests, shows that corporate groups have repeatedly lobbied the EPA to delay or derail regulation. Some of the groups and companies also have hired scientific consulting firms, such as ToxStrategies and Exponent, to produce reports on manganese health risks that suggest stricter controls are not needed and children are not more vulnerable to excess manganese than adults. 

The firms’ conclusions conflict with other, publicly funded studies, and some government and academic researchers question the accuracy of the industry-funded findings.

David Michaels, a former head of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), said industry efforts to fight manganese controls appear to be “classic product defense.” 

Industry has used the tactics in regulatory battles over products ranging from pesticides to opioids, said Michaels, author of the books “Doubt Is Their Product” and “The Triumph of Doubt.” The goal of this “mercenary science”, as he calls it, is to preserve profits and avoid future litigation or cleanup costs. 

“Industries downplay the risks of their products, spreading disinformation here and hiding evidence of harm there,” Michaels said.

Industry groups and consultants dispute this view, saying they play a valuable role in shaping policy that protects the environment and people’s health.

A group of people stand watching in a wood-paneled room.
Worried about their drinking water, David Butts (foreground), Jessica McCafferty (background in red) and other Industry residents attend a meeting of the Industry Borough Municipal Authority in March 2023.
Natasha Gilbert / Public Health Watch

In a written statement to Public Health Watch, Joseph Green, a lawyer who represents the Manganese Interest Group, wrote that the group, composed of trade associations and companies, supports the “scientifically sound” regulation of manganese. It participates in public rulemaking and encourages EPA policies that protect public health and the environment, Green wrote. Regulators must consider all the available scientific information and the views of a wide range of stakeholders, including industries, he added.

At a minimum, dozens of drinking water systems across the nation have provided residents with water that has high levels of manganese; it may go undetected in many others. 

An EPA survey published in 2021 tested 5,034 U.S. public water systems and detected manganese above the EPA’s “health advisory” level in 106, or 2.1 percent, of them. In some areas, such as the Village of Kiryas Joel, New York, and the town of Randolph, Massachusetts, levels were over six times higher than the EPA’s recommended safety limit. Some state water experts say the number of people affected is likely much higher because the survey focused on larger drinking water facilities, which can have less manganese contamination than smaller ones.

The EPA suggests that people consume water with no more than 300 µg/L of manganese each day over their lifetimes to avoid potential neurological harm. Infants younger than six months should be limited to that daily amount in water for no more than 10 days. But these levels are not a legal limit, so most public water utilities are not required to monitor manganese or remove it. By contrast, other international authorities such as the World Health Organization advise much tighter controls on manganese.

The EPA’s guidance is also based partly on a decades-old estimate of the average level of manganese adults reported eating every day, said Seth Frisbie, an expert in drinking water contaminants and professor emeritus of environmental chemistry at Norwich University in Vermont. The estimate doesn’t adequately account for infants, who weigh much less than adults, absorb the metal more readily and excrete it more slowly, leaving them at risk by the guidance, he said.

What’s more, infant formula can contain high levels of manganese — manufacturers are legally required to add it — potentially increasing babies’ cumulative exposure, Frisbie said. 

A table showing how the U.S. compares in manganese guidance. The EPA's recommended safety limit for manganese is more than twice as high as those recommended by two national health agencies in Canada, the World Health Organization, and the European Union.

Manganese can occur in drinking water through both natural processes and industrial pollution. Rainwater and sometimes river water seep into soil and over manganese-containing rocks, picking up and sending the metal into groundwater used for drinking.  Some states, such as Minnesota and New Hampshire, have higher levels of manganese in their soils and groundwater. It’s also discharged by industries such as steel manufacturers, coal-fired power plants and hydraulic fracturing operations used to extract oil and gas.

Some epidemiological and animal studies funded by governments or universities suggest that consuming manganese at levels that exist in hundreds of U.S. water supplies may harm cognition, including reduced memory, learning ability, and other intellectual functions. One analysis, led by University of Montreal researchers and based on data from two studies involving 630 children in Canada, found that manganese levels in drinking water of around 133 µg/L and 266 µg/L — considered safe by the EPA— were associated with a 1 percent and a 2 percent drop in one type of IQ, respectively. 

Bethlehem Presbyterian Church sits in front of a coal-fired power plant that closed in 2019 near Industry, Pennsylvania.
Natasha Gilbert / Public Health Watch

That may seem minuscule. But Youssef Oulhote, an epidemiologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who ran a separate analysis of the Canadian schoolchildren data, said that while a person may barely notice losing a few IQ points, the effect across an entire population can be significant, leading to more people with intellectual disabilities and fewer who are cognitively gifted. 

A study of 643,401 children in Denmark, released in 2020, found that children exposed to concentrations of manganese of around 100 µg/L at any one time during the first five years of life were much more likely to have a type of ADHD that limits attention span and increases distractibility and forgetfulness than those exposed to below 5 µg/L. 

No single study has proven that manganese causes neurological problems in infants and children. Some studies that show links between manganese and neurological problems have limitations. For example, the studies in Canada involved a small number of children, making it difficult to draw firm conclusions. Taken together, however, these studies offer “compelling evidence” that manganese in drinking water may harm children’s neurology and behavior, Oulhote said

An EPA survey released in 2021 tested 5,034 public water systems across the U.S. and found potentially unsafe levels of manganese — where neurological effects may occur — in 106, or 2.1 percent, of them. The EPA advises consuming no more than 300 micrograms per liter each day over a lifetime to protect people’s health. About 650 water systems, or 13 percent, failed to meet the EPA’s aesthetic standards (for taste and appearance), not to exceed 50 micrograms per liter.

Industry representatives disagree. The Manganese Interest Group suggests that infants and children are not more exposed or vulnerable to high levels of manganese than adults, and when the metal is consumed in drinking water at levels of 100 µg/L or lower, it doesn’t significantly build up in infants’ and children’s brain tissue. The group’s argument is based on models published in an academic journal and financed by Virginia-based Afton Chemical Corp., which produces manganese-based additives for fuel. The modeling was largely performed by ToxStrategies, which has offices across the country and has done work that minimizes the risks of products for industrial clients. For example, it has performed several studies paid for by an industry think tank that questioned some of the dangers of hexavalent chromium, a carcinogenic compound used by the steel industry and others and a byproduct of electricity production. 

The Manganese Interest Group also funded a review performed by California research firm Exponent that found there is insufficient evidence to prove that manganese consumed or inhaled by infants and young children causes neurodevelopmental problems. Green, the lawyer for the interest group, said while it funded the study, it had no control over content.

 The Manganese Industry Group suggests that people are largely exposed to manganese in food, so drinking water is unlikely to add much to their manganese consumption. However, New Jersey state toxicologists wrote in 2021 that despite the intake through food, “drinking water serves as a substantial exposure source in some areas of the world, including New Jersey.”

The borough of Industry lives up to its name. Nearby, giant cooling towers mark the Beaver Valley Power Station, a nuclear plant, on the south side of the Ohio River. To the northeast sits a coal-fired power plant that closed in 2019. The area also has several hydraulic fracking sites and a Shell plastics plant.

Many residents look fondly on the area’s industrial backbone, which sustains the local economy. Butts remembers visiting his father at the coal plant, where he spent his working life driving a coal-ferrying barge.

But some residents are beginning to wonder if industries, especially fracking, are behind the borough’s contaminated water.

On a cool evening in late March, around 20 residents gathered at a monthly meeting of the water authority’s board. The atmosphere was tense, and at one point police showed up and hovered outside. During the public session, Andrew Zachodni, the board’s then vice-chairman, confirmed that manganese was the likely cause of residents’ dark water and said the authority was looking into why there’s so much of it. The authority’s latest water report, for 2022, found manganese present at levels that range above EPA recommendations. 

The view of an industrial facility.
This coal-fired power plant near Industry, Pennsylvania, is where David Butts’ father spent his career driving a coal barge along the Ohio River.
Natasha Gilbert / Public Health Watch

Diane Donatella, an Industry native, asked if fracking could be the cause. About nine years ago she started having stomach problems when she drank the water and noticed the water staining her toilets. “The timing coincides with the fracking,” she said.

Donatella said she didn’t complain to the authority until now because she didn’t realize others were having similar problems. “I thought it was just me,” she said.

Zachodni said the authority might look into Donatella’s theory. If she’s right, Industry wouldn’t be the first Pennsylvania community to allege manganese contamination of drinking water caused by fracking. Several residents of Connoquenessing Township in Butler County, to the northeast, sued Rex Energy, alleging the Pennsylvania company polluted their well water with manganese and other contaminants through fracking. According to news reports, the case was settled in 2018, with Rex, now owned by PennEnergy Resources, not admitting wrongdoing. 

John Stolz, an environmental microbiologist at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh who studied the Butler County issue, said that escaped fluids and gases from oil and gas extraction can stimulate subsurface bacteria, which in turn releases manganese from rocks into the water. 

Also at the meeting, Bryan Catlin, a father of two boys, said that on his street a handful of children, including his own, have autism or learning disabilities. He wondered if the cause was manganese in the water. But board members said they didn’t want to have that discussion and abruptly ended the public session. Several residents said afterward they were angered by the dismissal of Catlin’s concerns. The water authority later declined to comment to Public Health Watch, citing advice from its lawyer.

Jessica McCafferty, a mother of two who lives near Butts, says she worries that manganese-tainted water may have played a role in causing ADHD in her 11-year-old son. They used to drink the tap water but stopped a couple of years ago when it developed a metallic taste and her infant son’s bath water was brown with black specks. Now she bathes him every other day and drinks only bottled water. 

“I worry,” she said. “The baby starts sucking on the wet washcloth and I think, ‘No’!”

An industrial plant and tower.
A view of a now-shuttered, coal-fired power station near Industry, Pennsylvania.
Natasha Gilbert / Public Health Watch

As evidence of risks grows, the EPA has taken steps that could lead to tighter controls of manganese in drinking water: It has added the metal three times to its Contaminant Candidate List. Industry has fought back.

Since 1998, the EPA has published five such lists, often including dozens of unregulated chemicals and microbes that could be found in drinking water. The agency must select at least five of the candidates to evaluate more closely and later decide whether any need regulation. 

The EPA invites any interested party to submit comments. 

In two consecutive rounds of the list — preliminary ones were released in 2015 and 2021 — industries that use or produce manganese objected to its inclusion via the Manganese Interest Group, which includes the American Iron and Steel Institute in Washington, D.C., and the Afton Chemical Corp.

Between 2015 and 2020, the interest group twice wrote to the EPA asking that it remove manganese from the candidate list. In 2015, the group argued that the best available science does not support the metal’s inclusion, citing research funded by Afton Chemical, documents show. In 2017, the group reiterated its position, as did the American Iron and Steel Institute, in separate comments sought by President Donald Trump’s administration on its plans to roll back EPA regulations. The institute also met with EPA representatives the same year to discuss “environmental issues that are key to the steel industry,” according to correspondence between the EPA and Thomas Gibson, then president and CEO of the institute. Manganese was among the institute’s key issues. The correspondence was obtained by environmental groups and posted online by Toxic Docs, a repository of records on toxic substances based at Columbia University and City University of New York. 

A chain-link fence surrounds a well.
A water well operated by the Industry Borough Municipal Authority in Industry, Pennsylvania. Like most other cities, Industry lacks the filtering technology to remove manganese from its drinking water.
Natasha Gilbert / Public Health Watch

The EPA disagreed with industry’s position, but in the end kicked a decision on manganese down the road. In March 2020, the agency announced a preliminary decision not to consider manganese for regulation at the time, preferring to wait for nationwide data on its presence in drinking water. In response, a group representing drinking-water utility officials, advocates and others told the EPA it should “make appropriate management of manganese a priority.” 

In separate comments, New Hampshire’s environmental services commissioner said the EPA should reassess its health guidance on manganese and better inform the public about the dangers to infants.

Instead, the EPA confirmed its manganese decision in early 2021. 

But the issue didn’t go away. A few months later, the EPA released a draft of the next Contaminant Candidate List, which included manganese. Industry lobbying persisted. In September 2021, the Manganese Interest Group requested in public comments that the EPA strike the metal from the draft list. The group cited as evidence the two modeling papers funded by Afton Chemical and prepared by ToxStrategies, among others. One paper predicts manganese in drinking water won’t significantly build up in infants’ and children’s brain tissue when consumed at levels of 100 µg/l or below, commonly found in tap water. 

Some scientists challenge the quality and findings of the ToxStrategies papers. Frisbie, the environmental chemist, and Erika Mitchell, his wife and research partner at a nonprofit toxicology lab, said in an interview that the papers contain mistakes and inaccuracies. In an assessment published in 2021, researchers at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) wrote that that one of the ToxStrategies papers uses an extremely low rate for how much manganese infants absorb from reconstituted formula. That rate is not supported by available scientific studies, wrote the researchers, who added their views weren’t necessarily those of the MDH.

If the EPA were to accept ToxStrategies’ findings, it could weaken the agency’s health advice on safe levels of manganese, potentially leaving people more vulnerable to harm, Frisbie and Mitchell say. 

ToxStrategies did not respond to emails and phone calls requesting comment. Afton Chemical also did not respond to requests for comment.

Birnbaum, former director of the health sciences institute, said that, in general, many scientists working for consulting firms are good researchers but they interpret their data in a way that makes their employers or sponsors happy. “They may not even be conscious that they are doing it,” she said. 

Responding to the 2021 EPA draft, the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators called for the EPA to do more to assess and control manganese. The group’s executive director, Alan Roberson, said in an interview that an informal survey of members last year found a majority wanted the EPA to regulate manganese. 

When considering regulations or taking other actions, the EPA consults a 46-member, handpicked Science Advisory Board for guidance. The water contaminant list is among the proposals that come before the board, which is composed of scientists from academia, government and industry.

Here too, industry pressed its case.

At a June 2022 meeting of a board committee, Green, lawyer for the manganese group, called on board members to recommend that the EPA cut manganese from its contaminant list. Green said his group was “perplexed” that the committee had not referenced the models prepared by ToxStrategies and funded by Afton Chemical in a draft of its recommendations on the candidate list. 

A consulting-firm scientist on the board also supported the ToxStrategies model. 

Barbara Beck, a lead toxicologist at Boston-based Gradient, was appointed to the board in 2019 by the Trump administration and has authored papers defending clients’ and their products, including ones containing lead and so-called “forever chemicals”, which are potentially toxic.

Beck had produced articles with Gradient colleagues in academic journals in 2009 and 2017 that questioned the health impacts of inhaling manganese. 

In July 2022, records show, Beck advised that the EPA board committee delete from its draft details of a review of epidemiological studies that suggest manganese in drinking water is linked to neurological problems in children. She proposed adding other models instead, including those developed by ToxStrategies that Green wanted included.

Beck acknowledged some of the concerns about manganese, writing there is merit to the EPA considering whether science supports adding the metal to the contaminant list. But she said the review of epidemiological studies didn’t make a strong enough case for inclusion. 

Four glass jars contain brown-colored water on a ledge.
Jars with dirty, unfiltered tap water collected by David Butts of Industry, Pennsylvania, are the proof he offers that the local water authority should take action. Tests of the water found manganese.
Natasha Gilbert / Public Health Watch

In contrast, Gloria Post, a state toxicologist for New Jersey, criticized the draft guidance for omitting many studies that indicate neurobehavioral harm to infants from manganese in drinking water. 

The epidemiological studies that Beck objected to made it into the board’s final guidance for the contaminant list. So did the ToxStrategies study, making it more likely that industry findings on manganese are considered in the EPA’s discussions.

The EPA decided to include manganese in its final version of the list published in November 2022 and will decide by 2026 which contaminants might need tighter controls.

Public Health Watch reached out to Beck and Gradient for comment, but they did not respond to emails or phone calls. 

In a parallel process, the EPA planned to assess how harmful manganese is to inhale and ingest, which could lead to a revision of recommended safety levels. The process, called IRIS — for Integrated Risk Information System — is a key EPA program to impartially assess the human health risks of chemicals in the environment. 

Emails obtained through a records request by Public Health Watch show that the EPA began working on the assessment and issued its work plan for review across the agency in August 2018. But eight months later the EPA announced it had suspended the manganese assessment. Emails obtained by Public Health Watch suggest the manganese assessment was held up by the EPA Office of Air and Radiation. The office was headed at the time by William Wehrum, who resigned in 2019 over alleged ethics breaches, including doing alleged favors for an energy company.

An EPA spokesperson said in a statement that manganese is not a priority chemical for evaluation, but if it becomes a priority and there are enough resources, the EPA may resume the assessment.

Birnbaum, the former director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, said in an interview that it’s time for the EPA to act to protect vulnerable populations. “In my mind manganese should be regulated,” she said. 

Meanwhile, some states have tightened manganese limits or recommendations on their own. Minnesota advises that bottle-fed infants consume no more than 100 µg/L daily of manganese in drinking water. New Jersey and California require water providers to notify customers if the manganese level exceeds 50 µg/L. 

Without the federal government endorsing new standards, however, state health officials can find it difficult to convince lawmakers and communities to set new limits, said Jonathan Petali, a toxicologist for the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.

Residents like those in Industry, Pennsylvania, must bring on the fight themselves. And their efforts are starting to pay off. 

A spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection said it is working with the Industry water authority to ensure required standards are met through regular testing of tap water for manganese, cleaning of the wells and installing a new treatment system.

Butts says he will keep pushing until he sees results. He’s a former Marine and sees it as his mission to restore clean water to his community. He and other residents want the authority to determine the causes of the black-water problem and assess whether Industry’s children are at risk of neurological harm.

“Is our water safe?” Butts asked. “We don’t know.”

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Black water: How industry is fighting stricter controls for a little-known drinking water contaminant on Aug 29, 2023.

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Your guide to surviving a hotter world

Hello, and welcome to Week 8 of Record High. I’m climate solutions reporter Gabriela Aoun Angueira, and today we’re going to be introducing Grist’s new guide to keeping communities safe in extreme heat.

Scorching temperatures have affected nearly every part of the United States this summer. Just last week, heat indices in the Midwest skyrocketed, with Chicago reaching 120 degrees. Aid groups in the city raced to distribute frozen water bottles to the unhoused and box fans to elderly residents who lacked air conditioning. Meanwhile, farther south, San Juan, Puerto Rico, surpassed a heat record established in 1976.

If the past few months have made anything clear, it is that extreme heat is not just about the numbers on a thermometer. It impacts all aspects of our lives. To help readers navigate the new realities of life in this hotter world, Grist today published a comprehensive guide to keeping kids healthy, homes cool, workplaces safe, neighbors looked after, and our bodies protected in extreme heat. 

Grist / Getty Images

We gathered advice from a dozen experts, from engineers to child psychologists, and distilled it into easy-to-implement tips. Along the way, a theme emerged: In so many ways, preparation eases the stress of managing a hotter world.

Firefighter and paramedic Kaipo Kelley told us that those who learn the signs of heat illness ahead of time can act more quickly to help themselves or someone else who is unwell, perhaps preventing heat exhaustion from turning into potentially fatal heat stroke.

For children whose lives are disrupted by heat waves, child psychologist Jennifer Louie said that creating a family plan of where to go and indoor activities to do when outside temperatures are dangerous can help assuage kids’ anxiousness. 

At work, collaboratively deciding with managers and staff how to adjust routines on hot days, like by moving shifts to cooler hours or instituting more frequent breaks, sets a tone for prioritizing safety over productivity, said a representative from the Occupational Safety and Health Agency, or OSHA.

Home energy audits, whether completed by a professional or done yourself, can help identify the most efficient ways to seal and insulate homes before the heat hits and you have to crank the air conditioning, said Brett Little of the Green Home Institute.

And getting together with neighbors to identify who might be especially vulnerable in a heat wave — like the elderly, those with medical conditions, or folks without AC — and planning who will check on them ensures no one gets left behind, said Scott James, who formed his own neighbor network in his hometown of Bainbridge, Washington.

The tips we’ve compiled also include suggestions for supplies and resources to have on hand, like books for talking to kids about climate change and power banks for helping neighbors charge phones in a power outage. There are DIY ideas for keeping homes cold by building “swamp coolers” and for rapidly lowering the body temperature of someone who might have heatstroke.

In addition to the guide we published on the Grist site, look for easily shareable versions of all these tips, in English and Spanish, rolling out on our Instagram this week.

We need your help

In two weeks, Record High will look at the impact that extreme heat is having on travel and recreation — and we want to hear from you. Have you had outdoor sports canceled due to scorching temperatures? Travel plans scrapped or scuttled? Health impacts from exposure to high heat? Click here to share your experiences with us.

By the numbers

Although summers are expected to get even hotter in the coming years, few people in the United States are taking steps to prepare for extreme heat, according to FEMA’s 2022 National Household Survey on Disaster Preparedness. Just 17 percent of households say they have assembled supplies to deal with extreme heat, for example, and only 4 percent have made a plan with neighbors.

A horizontal bar chart showing the percent of people taking preparedness actions in areas at risk for extreme heat. Close to 30 percent of people surveyed by FEMA have signed up for alerts and warnings; only around 10 percent have tested a family communication plan.

Data Visualization by Clayton Aldern

What we’re reading

Portland food trucks feel like ovens: There are more than 1,000 food trucks in Portland, Oregon, but as my colleague Joseph Winters writes, cooking in them in the summer heat is becoming unbearable. Some truck owners are turning off their grills, like a vegan chef who swapped out plant-based burgers and fries for a “cold menu” of chik’n salad and chips.
.Read more

Inflation is down, but not heatflation: The global price of olive oil is double what it was last year, our food and agriculture fellow Max Graham reports. That’s in part due to a yearlong drought and a hot spring in Spain that devastated the olive groves of the world’s largest olive oil producer. Fears are mounting that the country could run out of the culinary staple completely.
.Read more

Detained in deadly heat: An investigation by the Intercept found that the U.S. Border Patrol has been detaining migrants in Arizona in outdoor pens in temperatures as high as 114 degrees. Now, the outlet is reporting that the practice has been in place far longer than previously known, and that officials have said it violates a court order related to detentions.
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How much heat can our bodies really handle?: As the world heats up, scientists and doctors are studying what happens to the body under heat stress, and how much global heating human bodies will be able to withstand. A New Yorker writer subjected himself to a 104-degree heat chamber at 40 percent humidity to better understand it himself.
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In a sweltering Dubai, residents hit the beach at night: In the United Arab Emirates, prime beach time is now midnight. The New York Times visited a beach where lifeguards work late shifts, spotlights illuminate the waters, and children play on floaties during the only hours it’s bearable to be outside.
.Read more

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Your guide to surviving a hotter world on Aug 29, 2023.

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Small Urban Greening Projects Can Greatly Increase Insect Species Numbers in Cities

Insects provide many essential benefits to ecosystems, including pollinating crops and flowers, helping to maintain healthy soil and recycling nutrients. They also keep populations at healthy levels through their own food chains.

A new project by researchers from the University of Melbourne has found a way to increase insect species numbers in a small urban greenspace by seven times, illustrating the importance of urban greening projects, a press release from the British Ecological Society said.

“The detrimental effects of environmental change on human and non-human diversity are acutely manifested in urban environments,” the authors of the study wrote. “We show how a small greening action quickly led to large positive changes in the richness, demographic dynamics and network structure of a depauperate insect community. An increase in the diversity and complexity of the plant community led to, after only 3 years, a large increase in insect species richness, a greater probability of occurrence of insects within the greenspace and a higher number and diversity of interactions between insects and plant species.”

The study, “Large positive ecological changes of small urban greening actions,” was published in the journal Ecological Solutions and Evidence.

Starting in the spring of 2016, the research team began turning a grassy urban lawn with two trees in Melbourne, Australia, into a habitat for a dozen species of indigenous plants. The team used soil decompaction, fertilization, new topsoil and organic mulching to create the urban oasis.

Over the course of the next three years, the researchers conducted 14 insect surveys, collecting samples of bees, wasps, ants and other insects, for a total of 94 insects, 91 of which were endemic to Victoria.

“The indigenous insects we documented spanned a diverse array. Detritivores that recycle nutrients, herbivores that provide food for reptiles and birds; predators and parasitoids that keep pests in check,” said ecologist and entomologist Dr. Luis Mata, the study’s lead author, in the press release.

During the study, the 12 species of indigenous plants started to support more and more insects. Three of the plant species were lost over the course of the study, but the nine that remained were able to support approximately 7.3 times as many insects as the two species that were originally occupying the urban greenspace.

Planting a more diverse array of flora in urban areas brings numerous rewards, including habitat and food for animals, lowering temperatures inside the city and mental health benefits for humans, as well as helping to mitigate climate change.

According to the press release, the method used by the researchers can be adapted and used on multiple sites, in different seasons and for longer periods of time. Thus, its benefits can be reaped by urban planners and scientists all over the world.

“I’d love to see many more urban greenspaces [transformed] into habitats for indigenous species,” Mata said in the press release. “We hope that our study will serve as a catalyst for a new way to demonstrate how urban greening may [affect] positive ecological changes.”

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Rainforest study: Scientists now know the temperature at which photosynthesis stops

This story is part of Record High, a Grist series examining extreme heat and its impact on how — and where — we live.

Around the world, leaves play a critical central role in staving off the worst impacts of climate change. Their ability trap CO2 and combine it with water and sunlight to make food and oxygen is a critical part of what keeps life on Earth going. But according to a new study published in Nature, some tropical forests — including the Amazon rainforest — could become too hot for leaves to photosynthesize.

The Amazon rainforest was once one of the world’s most powerful carbon sinks, largely a result of its uniquely dense tree cover. But deforestation has slowly eaten away at its edges, and drought and fire have limited rainforests’ ability to withstand extreme temperatures. The Amazon was even a net carbon emitter for the first time in 2021. Still, the Amazon covers a land area roughly twice the size of India, and is among the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth, with over 3 million species of flora and fauna.  

All that could be lost if temperatures continue to increase, potentially turning once-lush tropical forests into a savannah-like plain. According to the study, photosynthesis in tropical trees begins to fail at about 46.7 degrees C (116 degrees F). In addition to monitoring the canopy using both research towers and high resolution images from the International Space Station, the research team heated leaves up in order to test the effects of higher temperatures, identifying the critical threshold at which the enzymes necessary for photosynthesis break down. The data was collected every few days from forests all over the world.

“Until now, we really didn’t know what that number was,” said Gregory Goldsmith, a professor of biology at Chapman University who worked on the study.  

Though it doesn’t happen instantaneously, lengthy hot spells increase stress on the leaves, eventually killing them. If enough leaves die, the tree dies with them. And if enough trees die, so does the forest.

But so far, that tipping point remains mostly theoretical. The authors found that canopy temperatures between 2018 and 2020 peaked at around 34 degrees C (93.2 degrees F) on average. In a typical year, only around 0.01 percent of the leaves in the upper canopies surpass the temperature at which photosynthesis starts to fail. The global temperature increase that is associated with these changes is around 4 degree Celsius, which is currently in line with worst-case scenario projections. 

“As a group, we do not feel that this is our fate,” said Goldsmith. Though he and other researchers emphasized the importance of reducing emissions and caring for the planet’s tropical forest ecosystems. 

Tipping points are complex, though, and there may be more factors to consider than heat alone It’s still unclear how drought and wildfire could take its toll on tropical forests, though some appear to be more vulnerable than others, The Amazon shows the clearest signs of heat stress among forests spanning South America, central Africa, the Gulf of Mexico, and Southeast Asia. Fragmentation, or the breaking of large swaths of forest into smaller patches through logging and development, also appears to be a major stressor, mostly because, Goldsmith says, forest edges are hotter and drier than the interior.

Researchers say political stability in rainforest countries plays a major role in ensuring forest protection, which could go a long way towards increasing forest resilience to catastrophic outcomes. In July of this year, deforestation in the Amazon fell by 66 percent, hitting a six-year low. Brazil’s new president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has led initiatives to discourage deforestation and illegal ranching. His administration has set a goal to stop deforestation entirely by 2030.

Joshua Fisher, another researcher who worked on the Nature paper, said the international collaboration that went into the study made him hopeful for similar results on the political level.

“In some ways, you know, it doesn’t seem that daunting, because we’re all on spaceship Earth together,” he said.

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Rainforest study: Scientists now know the temperature at which photosynthesis stops on Aug 28, 2023.

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UN Strengthens Children’s Rights to Fight Climate Change in Court

The United Nations Child Rights Committee has published new guidance on the rights of children in relation to the environment with a particular emphasis on climate change.

The UN’s direction on the matter sets forth specific administrative measures nation-states should implement in order to tackle how climate change and humans’ degradation of the environment are affecting children’s rights of enjoyment, as well as to ensure a clean and sustainable planet for current and future generations, a press release from the UN said.

The UN Committee adopted its guidance, officially General Comment No. 26, following consultation with national human rights institutions, nations, international organizations, experts, civil society and children. Children from 121 countries contributed 16,331 comments to the discussion.

“Children are architects, leaders, thinkers and changemakers of today’s world. Our voices matter, and they deserve to be listened to,” said 17-year-old Kartik, an Indian child rights activist who is one of the child advisers of the committee, in the press release. “General Comment No. 26 is the instrument that will help us understand and exercise our rights in the face of environmental and climate crises.”

The general comment provides clarification on how the rights of children apply to environmental protection, as well as emphasizes children’s right to a healthy, clean and sustainable environment. This right is directly linked to the rights of survival, life and development, education, the highest attainable health standard and an adequate standard of living.

“This general comment is of great and far-reaching legal significance,” said Committee Chair Ann Skelton in the press release. “[I]t details States’ obligations under the Child Rights Convention to address environmental harms and guarantee that children are able to exercise their rights. This encompasses their rights to information, participation, and access to justice to ensure that they will be protected from and receive remedies for the harms caused by environmental degradation and climate change.”

The general comment goes on to declare that countries shall give children protection against the environmental damage caused by commercial activities. It says nations have an obligation to “provide legislative, regulative and enforcement frameworks to ensure that businesses respect children’s rights, and should require businesses to undertake due diligence regarding children’s rights and the environment,” the UN press release said.

General Comment No. 26 also says that, when children have been identified as victims, immediate steps should be taken in order to prevent further harm and to repair the damage.

It has been observed by the committee that, due to their status, children face barriers in the attainment of legal standing in many countries, which limit their ability to assert their rights as relates to the environment.

“States should therefore provide pathways for children to access justice for violations of their rights relating to environmental harm, including through complaints mechanisms that are child-friendly, gender-responsive and disability-inclusive. In addition, mechanisms should be available for claims of imminent or foreseeable harms and past or current violations of children’s rights,” the press release said.

The UN’s guidance highlights the requirement of countries to “take all necessary measures” to protect children’s rights as relates to climate change that is the result of businesses, such as making sure businesses quickly reduce their fossil fuel emissions.

The guidance also underscores the dire need for the climate finance gap to be addressed by developed countries, including by offering grants instead of loans to developing countries, so that negative impacts on children’s rights may be avoided.

“[C]limate finance is overly slanted toward mitigation at the cost of adaptation and loss and damage measures, which has discriminatory effects on children who live in areas where more adaptation measures are needed,” the UN press release said. “The Committee urges immediate collective States actions to tackle environmental harm and climate change.”

Not everyone thought the committee had gone far enough, however.

“I think this was such a missed opportunity – it’s an exercise in incrementalism instead of taking quantum leap forward,” said Kelly Matheson, Global Climate Litigation deputy director at Our Children’s Trust, which represented the youths who recently won in a climate trial against the State of Montana, as Reuters reported.

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Cleaner Fuels Replace Over Half the Amount of Diesel Used in California for First Time

The California Air Resources Board has announced a new landmark for the state: for the first time, over half of diesel fuel used statewide was replaced by cleaner fuels, as of the first quarter of 2023.

The shift can be largely attributed to the state’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which is designed to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions through improving vehicle technology, decreasing fuel consumption and providing cleaner fuel alternatives.

“As technological advances put a zero-emissions future within reach, the use of cleaner fuels offers an essential tool to reduce pollution now,” California Air Resources Board Executive Officer Steven Cliff said in a statement. “A 50% reduction in diesel means cleaner air, healthier communities and a commitment to reaching carbon neutrality in California by 2045.”

According to the California Air Resources Board, the cleaner fuel sources include “renewable diesel, biodiesel, electricity, and hydrogen.”

As explained by the California Energy Commission, biodiesel was first introduced in the state in 2000 and is made mostly from soybean oil and other recycled oils. First introduced in 2012, renewable diesel is made from animal waste oils.

Through LCFS, the state has swapped nearly 2 billion gallons of diesel fuel with these other fuel alternatives in 2022. Compliance with the LCFS began in 2011, and since then, the program has replaced about 8.6 billion gallons of diesel. 

The latest milestone is part of the state’s goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2045, which is part of California’s AB 32, or the 2006 Global Warming Solutions Act. In the spring of this year, USA Today reported that California approved a world-first ban on new diesel trucks by 2036, another step in the mission to minimize state emissions.

Earlier this month, the California Air Resources Board announced a new program to help truck fleet owners and operators transition to zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. The program, called the Cal Fleet Advisor, offers free, personalized assistance and information on funding and other aid to make the transition.

“The transition to zero-emissions transportation — and to cleaner air — means working collaboratively with the owners and operators who provide a critical service to California’s economy by transporting goods across the state,” board chair Liane Randolph said in a statement. “Cal Fleet Advisor is an example of the innovative outreach and assistance that California has committed to provide to make a zero-emissions future a reality.”

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Thousands of Emperor Penguin Chicks Die Due to Antarctic Ice Loss

Rapid global heating due to humans’ use of fossil fuels has contributed to an array of damaging environmental effects on the planet, including extreme weather, unprecedented ocean temperatures and a rapid decline in sea ice.

Sea ice is the habitat of several animal species, including polar bears, Arctic fox, caribou and emperor penguins, who live and breed entirely on frozen Antarctic sea ice.

According to a new study, thousands of emperor penguin chicks from four colonies in Antarctica are thought to have died due to record-low sea ice levels that caused a “catastrophic breeding failure.”

“Abrupt reductions in sea ice extent can have profound effects on ecosystems and the species that depend on the sea ice for breeding, moulting or foraging… Almost all emperor penguin colonies depend upon stable land-fast sea ice, which they use for breeding and moulting, while also using the marginal ice zone as a foraging habitat,” the study said.

The study, “Record low 2022 Antarctic sea ice led to catastrophic breeding failure of emperor penguins,” was published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment.

In the study, the researchers from British Antarctic Survey (BAS) said there was a high probability that none of the emperor penguin chicks from four out of five of the known colonies in the eastern and central parts of the Bellingshausen Sea had survived, a press release from BAS said.

The scientists looked at satellite images showing sea ice loss at emperor penguin breeding sites long before the chicks would have had time to develop their waterproof feathers.

“They still have their downy plumage. If the ice breaks out before they can safely enter the water, the plumage becomes waterlogged and, basically, the chicks die of exposure,” said Dr. Barbara Wienecke, a senior research scientist at the Australian Antarctic Division who has paid many visits to emperor penguin colonies, as The Guardian reported. “It’s horrendous and I find it extraordinarily distressing to think of this happening.”

For the penguins in their large colonies to breed, the sea ice must be stable and firmly attached to shore from April to January, according to the press release. The penguins lay their eggs during the Antarctic winter of May to June, with eggs hatching after 65 days. Chicks fledge during the summer, from December to January.

Antarctic sea ice extent at the start of December of 2022 equaled the previous record low from 2021. The eastern and central Bellingshausen Sea area experienced the most extreme loss at 100 percent for November of 2022.

“We have never seen emperor penguins fail to breed, at this scale, in a single season. The loss of sea ice in this region during the Antarctic summer made it very unlikely that displaced chicks would survive,” said lead author of the study Dr. Peter Fretwell of BAS in the press release. “We know that emperor penguins are highly vulnerable in a warming climate – and current scientific evidence suggests that extreme sea ice loss events like this will become more frequent and widespread.”

Antarctica has experienced its lowest four years of sea ice extent in its 45-year satellite record since 2016. The two lowest years were 2021 to 2022 and 2022 to 2023. Thirty percent of the identified 62 Antarctic emperor penguin colonies were affected by sea ice loss from 2018 to 2022.

In the past, emperor penguins have responded to the loss of their sea ice habitat by changing to more stable locations the following year. However, according to scientists, that doesn’t work when the whole region is affected; there is simply nowhere for them to go.

Emperor penguins have never had to contend with threats such as large-scale hunting, overfishing or even habitat loss caused by humans. The only major threat considered to affect their long-term population is climate change.

Recent predictions of population trends for emperor penguins based on sea ice loss forecasts have shown that if current rates of warming continue, by the end of the century more than 90 percent of their colonies will become quasi-extinct.

“It’s only by changing our behaviour and the amounts of fossil fuels we use will we reverse the trajectory for these emperor penguins, and many other species,” Fretwell said, as reported by The Guardian.

Satellite images from the European Commission’s satellite mission Copernicus Sentinel-2 were used to discover the five penguin colonies studied in the past 14 years, the press release said. All of the colonies had returned to the same place each year for breeding, and there had only been one prior instance of breeding failure, in 2010 at Bryan Peninsula.

“This paper dramatically reveals the connection between sea ice loss and ecosystem annihilation. Climate change is melting sea ice at an alarming rate. It is likely to be absent from the Arctic in the 2030s – and in the Antarctic, the four lowest sea ice extents recorded have been since 2016,” said Dr. Jeremy Wilkinson, a BAS sea ice physicist, in the press release. “It is another warning sign for humanity that we cannot continue down this path, politicians must act to minimise the impact of climate change. There is no time left.”

The post Thousands of Emperor Penguin Chicks Die Due to Antarctic Ice Loss appeared first on EcoWatch.

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