Tag: Eco-friendly Solutions

Norway to pay Sámi reindeer herders millions for violating their human rights

Sámi reindeer herders have reached a partial agreement with Norway over the Fosen wind farm, Europe’s largest onshore wind power project located in Central Norway, closing one chapter of a more than 20-year conflict over the wind turbines. 

In October 2021, Norway’s Supreme Court ruled that the Fosen wind farm violated the Sámi’s human rights, sparking multiple demonstrations in Oslo, the nation’s capital. The latest demonstration marked the two-year anniversary of the ruling and drew attention to Norway’s refusal to take on the case, resulting in 11 ministries being closed and entrances to Statskraft, the state-owned company behind the project, being blockaded by human rights campaigners. Sámi youth eventually met with King Harald V of Norway in a final effort to secure support.

“I am happy that those in south Fosen now have security and a guarantee that they can continue their livelihood and culture with reindeer husbandry,” said Silje Karine Muotka, President of the Sámi Parliament of Norway. “But what has happened here is gravely serious. It is a human rights violation.”

The agreement, reached earlier this week, only covers reindeer herders to the south of the Fosen wind farm, but there are two communities, known as “siidas,” that have been impacted by the project. For siidas to the south of Fosen, Statskraft will pay 7 million Norwegian crowns ($674,211) each year, for 25 years — the expected lifespan of the wind turbines. The wind farm will continue operating for that time, after which the south Fosen siida will be able to decide on the project’s future, preventing Statkraft from applying for license extensions or renewals at the site without Sámi consent. As well, the Norwegian government will help reindeer herders to use additional winter grazing areas near the Fosen reindeer-herding district with the aim of securing those lands by the winter of 2026. 

“The Fosen case has been challenging for all parties,” said Terje Aasland, Minister of Petroleum and Energy. “I am therefore pleased that the parties and the state, through the mediation process, have arrived at a mutually agreed, good, and forward-looking solution. My hope is that this will enable new generations to continue reindeer herding at Fosen.”

However, no agreement has been made with the impacted siida north of Fosen, which has continued to demand the demolition of more than 40 wind turbines which are owned by a different company, Aneo — a Norwegian renewables group.

“I do not want to criticize the south Fosen siida, though I do imagine that the government now sees this as a possibility to invade first and solve it later with payment,” said Terje Haugen, a reindeer herder from the impacted siida. “We in the north Fosen district are standing firmly in our decision.”

Stig Tore Laugen, communications director for Aneo and a spokesman for its subsidiary Roan Vind, said that ongoing mediation is confidential, adding that in the case of south Fosen “it has been crucial that the government, which is responsible for the violation of the reindeer owners’ rights, has taken responsibility for finding replacement grazing-areas, and that the reindeer owners have been positive about moving.”

Minister Aasland said that it’s the government’s position that the best solution for all parties will be to reach an amicable agreement. 

Around 98 percent of electricity in Norway comes from renewable resources, and nearly 20 percent is exported to the European Union. The Fosen wind park produces enough energy to power the nearby city of Trondheim, population 220,000. 

“I can’t imagine that it is a good business idea for governments and companies to invade, violate human rights, and then pay for it,” said President Muotka. “Never again Fosen is what I say, and hope, and expect from the government.”

Editor’s note: this story has been updated to include comment from Aneo and Roan Vind.

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Norway to pay Sámi reindeer herders millions for violating their human rights on Dec 21, 2023.

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Nuclear had a moment at COP28 — but it may be short-lived

This year’s COP28 climate conference featured a historic agreement to “transition away” from fossil fuels. One less-ballyhooed undercurrent was renewed enthusiasm for nuclear energy as a means toward getting there.

International climate negotiators explicitly mentioned the technology as a route to decarbonization in their first-ever “stocktake” of global emissions. Looking back across the final texts agreed on at the annual U.N. climate conference since the 2015 Paris Agreement, this is the first time the word “nuclear” has ever been used.

Twenty-five countries made the point even more emphatically at the start of the conference in Dubai, where — led by the U.S. — they pledged to triple nuclear electricity capacity by 2050. 

“We’ve never had anything like this on nuclear at a COP before,” said Ted Nordhaus, executive director of the Breakthrough Institute, which promotes technological solutions to environmental challenges. “It reflects how much attitudes have changed over the last decade.”

Nordhaus is among those who have, for decades, been arguing that splitting atoms can be an important tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. Critics, however, have cited safety concerns, particularly for the Indigenous communities that are disproportionately impacted throughout a reactor’s lifecycle. Some also contend that expensive investments in reactors could distract from the need to build out other options, such as solar and wind. In 2015, one commentator went as far as to call advocating for nuclear a new form of “climate denialism.”

Whatever the reasons, nuclear has been on a downward trajectory of late. The share of global electricity derived from it has slumped to 9.2 percent, its lowest level since the 1980s. By the 2040s, more nuclear facilities are expected to be decommissioned than come online. The latest commitments at COP28 are an attempt to not only reverse that trend but dramatically expand the world’s nuclear footprint. But multiple nuclear experts say that the tripling target is almost certainly unattainable, if not irresponsible.  

“It’s an essentially meaningless commitment,” said Edwin Lyman, director of nuclear power safety with the Union of Concerned Scientists. He noted that some of the countries who signed the pledge don’t even generate nuclear power right now, so a tripling would still technically be zero. And it doesn’t include China or Russia, which are global leaders in regard to nuclear ambition. Even Nordhaus admits that “it’s not really clear that anybody has a particularly credible plan.” 

Attempts to both maintain and expand nuclear have stumbled recently. The Biden administration recently had to provide a $1.1 billion lifeline to keep a legacy nuclear plant in California running, and a highly anticipated foray into smaller-scale reactors fell apart. This points to perhaps the most significant impediment to a more nuclear future: cost. 

“Nuclear is so much more expensive than solar,” said Allison Macfarlane, the former chair of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, estimating that it would take tens, or even hundreds, of billions of dollars to bring some of the proposed technology to market. “The only people that have that kind of money is governments”

Even if the financials make sense, she said, time is not on nuclear’s side. It can take a decade or two for a facility to come online, which makes it difficult to scale quickly enough to meet climate goals and make a dent in the climate crisis. While that might have been possible if the nuclear revival had begun a decade or two ago, she said it’s now too late. 

“Nuclear is not a short-term solution to climate change. We need a solution yesterday,” said Macfarlane, who is currently the director of the school of public policy and global affairs at the University of British Columbia. Instead she argues for putting money toward technologies that can be deployed today, such as solar and wind. “We need to direct our energies toward whatever we can build immediately.”

To Lyman, the nuclear pledges at COP28 are worse than empty — they could be detrimental or even dangerous. “It damages the credibility of the U.S. and any other countries that signed on,” he said. That includes Japan, which was home to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown. Broken promises could mean that future declarations are taken less seriously. 

Beyond politics, Lyman worries that a renewed push on nuclear could lead companies, governments, or both to cut corners or curb regulations in the name of financial gain or expediency. That, he said, “is a recipe for disaster.”

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Nuclear had a moment at COP28 — but it may be short-lived on Dec 21, 2023.

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Biden Administration Announces New Steps to Launch American Climate Corps

The Biden administration has announced new steps and unlocked funding to launch its new federal program, the American Climate Corps, that aims to employ thousands of young Americans in the conservation, clean energy and climate resilience sectors.

Seven federal agencies — the Departments of the Interior, Labor, Commerce, Agriculture and Energy; AmeriCorps; and the Environmental Protection Agency — are commiting to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to advance the climate corps, a press release from AmeriCorps said. The MOU details the goals, priorities, mission and next steps for implementation of the initiative.

“The American Climate Corps presents us with an opportunity to address the urgent climate crisis while training and preparing young people for good-paying union jobs in clean energy and climate resilience. From record heat to extreme flooding, we know we need to act now — and through the American Climate Corps, that’s exactly what we are doing,” said AmeriCorps CEO Michael D. Smith in the AmeriCorps press release.

Starting next month, senior officials from the administration will begin a series of sessions to hear from implementing partners — such as local, state and Tribal governments; educational institutions; and labor unions — as well as prospective applicants to the climate corps.

“Each listening session will last roughly 90 minutes and will provide participants with the opportunity to engage directly with Administration officials who are overseeing the initiative, as the Administration works to establish the first cohort of American Climate Corps members by next summer,” a press release from The White House said.

An executive committee was also established by the MOU to provide federal government leadership, in addition to a working group to implement and carry out the new program, AmeriCorps said.

“In launching this new initiative, President Biden fulfilled a key promise to mobilize a new, diverse generation of Americans – putting them to work conserving and restoring our lands and waters, bolstering community resilience, deploying clean energy, implementing energy efficient technologies, advancing environmental justice, and more,” the White House press release said.

President Biden first announced the start of the American Climate Corps back in September, and since then almost 50,000 people have expressed interest in joining. Approximately two-thirds of those interested are between the ages of 18 and 35, according to AmeriCorps.

“A historic program like this has never been done before in the lifetime of almost every single person that’s working on this program,” said Maggie Thomas, the president’s special assistant for climate, as reported by NBC News.

As specified in the MOU, agencies signing on to participate in the American Climate Corps agree that the corps will expand pathways to work in and be led by underserved and marginalized communities that have been overburdened by pollution and create economic opportunities in rural, suburban, urban and remote wilderness areas, among other guiding principles, the press release from AmeriCorps said.

The American Climate Corps will look to the states of Colorado, California, Michigan, Maine and Washington, which already have climate corps programs, as partners.

“We continue to think that Congress spending is still a good idea, that hasn’t changed, but we continue to use our creativity, to make sure that we really are using every tool available to us to tackle the climate crisis,” Thomas said, as NBC News reported. “We engage every agency and we really pull in this new diverse generation of young people to ensure that we can tackle the climate crisis in all the ways we know we need to.”

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California Approves Rules for Converting Sewage Into Drinking Water

In a unanimous vote, the California State Water Resources Control Board has approved its first standards for converting sewage waste into drinking water that can be piped directly into the taps of households and businesses.

It’s a historic moment for a state plagued by drought and water shortages.

“A city produces wastewater during a drought, and having that source available to augment other (drinking water) supplies can be critical,” said Darrin Polhemus, deputy director of the Division of Drinking Water at the Water Resources Control Board, as nonprofit CalMatters reported. “It will offer a resilient source in drought times for large water systems to be part of their portfolio. It’s not going to be a singular water source for some small community on the coast.”

Recycled wastewater is currently used for non-drinking purposes in the state, like agricultural irrigation, snow for the Soda Springs ski resort and ice for a minor league hockey team, reported The Guardian.

State law mandated the new rules and outlined a host of requirements to make sure chemicals and germs are removed from the treated sewage, CalMatters said.

Once referred to as “toilet-to-tap” by critics, the wastewater will be carbon-filtered, treated with bacteria and ozone, pushed through reverse osmosis membranes, exposed to high-intensity UV light and cleaned with an oxidizer. Then, calcium and other minerals will be replenished before the cleansed wastewater goes through the usual drinking water treatments. The treated water will also be required to be closely monitored to ensure safety.

“Today heralds a new era of water reuse,” said Patricia Sinicropi, executive director of WateReuse California, a recycling trade group, as Reuters reported.

Texas and Colorado already have regulations in place for making wastewater potable, and Arizona and Florida are also developing rules, according to CalMatters.

“Water is so precious in California. It is important that we use it more than once,” said Jennifer West, WateReuse California’s managing director, as reported by The Guardian.

The new rules have been more than 10 years in the making and will not take effect right away, CalMatters reported. A final review will be made by the Office of Administrative Law, most likely in the summer or fall of next year.

The treated water is predicted to be more costly than imports and will most likely be provided by big urban suppliers, according to Polhemus.

Some environmental organizations encouraged the water board to put forth deadlines for more stringent monitoring in order to allay customer fears regarding safety and to make sure no health concerns or outbreaks interfere with the plans.

In 2022, California Governor Gavin Newsom pressed for an approximately nine percent increase in the state’s use of recycled water by 2030 and to more than double it by the end of the following decade.

The vast majority of treated sewage in the state is dumped into the ocean, rivers and streams.

“We live in California, where the drought happens all the time. And with climate change, it will only get worse,” said Kirsten Struve, assistant water supply division officer at the Santa Clara Valley Water District, as reported by The Guardian. “And this is a drought-resistant supply that we will need in the future to meet the demands of our communities.”

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Wildfires Increasing in Size and Quantity in Eastern U.S., Study Finds

While major wildfires in the U.S. have typically afflicted the west coast in recent years, a a new study based on data from over 30 years has found an increase in the size and frequency of wildfires on the opposite side of the country.

The study, published in Geophysical Research Letters, reviewed large wildfires, over 200 hectares, in Eastern Temperate Forests in the U.S. In the 36 years of data, the scientists found that large wildfires were increasing in size, frequency, number and amount of land burned in southern and eastern parts of the forests studied, while large wildfires were declining in northern parts of the Eastern Temperate Forests.

“It’s a serious issue that people aren’t paying enough attention to: We have a rising incidence of wildfires across several regions of the U.S., not only in the West,” Victoria Donovan, lead author of the study and an assistant professor of forest management at the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences West Florida Research and Education Center, said in a statement. “We’re allocating the majority of resources to fire suppression in the western part of the country, but we have evidence that other areas are going to need resources, too.”

Researchers reviewed the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity Database, a federal database, for 1984 to 2020. In addition to finding increases in frequency and size of fires in the Eastern Temperate Forests, the study authors also found shifts in seasonality, with large wildfires most common in spring and fall.

Further, the scientists noted in the study that humans were the top ignition source of the large wildfires studied, with exception for fires in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Lightning was another common ignition source.

“It’s not necessarily human ignitions driving the trend of increasing wildfire patterns,” Donovan said. “In other words, we’re not seeing an indication that there are proportionally more human-caused ignitions than there have been in the past. In the Southern Coastal Plain, which includes much of Florida, lightning ignitions played an important role, too, contributing more to the total area burned in the ecoregion despite being a less frequent cause of large wildfire ignition.”

Although the study didn’t address the causes of the increase in eastern wildfires, the authors noted that ignition sources, climate change and changes in vegetation or fuel could all be considered as potential influences that impact the fire occurrences.

The increase in large wildfires in the eastern U.S. shows a need for more education and forest management in these areas, which are highly populated.

“We don’t have the expansive wildfire problem that the western U.S. does yet, so this is also an opportunity to get ahead of the problem and prepare for shifting wildfire patterns before we start seeing the frequent destructive fires that we’re seeing in the West,” Donovan said.

In recent years, worsening wildfires have had significant impacts on the U.S. Wildfire smoke from fires in 2000 to 2020 canceled out other air quality improvements in the U.S. during that timeframe, one study found.

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How to Get Your Garden Winter-Ready

Winter is rolling in, and in many zones, our once-prolific tomato and cucumber plants are well past their prime. While the summer growing season is over, gardens still benefit from a little TLC before the snow falls. Here’s how to prepare your garden for the winter to prepare for next year’s harvest. 


Rose bushes protected with mulch for winter. PaulMaguire / iStock / Getty Images Plus

The cold-weather cycle of freezing and thawing can cause something called “frost heaving,” whereby buried roots get pushed out of the ground. Providing some kind of groundcover keeps the temperature of your garden soil regulated, and protects it from winds and snow during the winter. It reduces germination of weeds in the spring, which means less weeding for you. You can purchase mulch from a garden center, or use a material you already have on hand, like bark, straw, fall leaves shredded with the lawn mower, pine needles and grass clippings — you’ll remove it in the spring to allow new growth to return. After the first frost, apply about six inches of the groundcover over your beds and around perennials, especially around young perennials facing their first winter.

Dig Up and Store Bulbs

Gladiolus bulbs with leaves dug up from the soil for winter storage. Yana Bolko / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Many bulbs that bloom in the spring can make it through the winter, like crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths and tulips. But when it’s time to plant these, it’s time to dig out some others. “Tender” bulbs — many of which are tropical plants that bloom in the summer, like cannas, dahlias, elephant ears and gladiolus — won’t survive a freeze. After frost has browned the leaves of the plant, dig up the tubers or roots within a few days. To prevent damage to the bulb — which can let in disease – dig out the entire plant, leaving a large clump of soil around the bulb. Using a fork rather than a shovel can also help prevent damage.

After digging them out, cut off greenery and remove the soil from the bulb, then let them dry out for about a week indoors out of direct sunlight. Pack the bulbs in a cardboard box, wrapped loosely in newspaper, peat moss, sand, coconut coir, sand, vermiculite, or sawdust so they don’t touch. Store in a place that stays somewhere between 40 and 50 degrees, like a basement, root cellar, or unheated garage. It’s a good idea to label them too so you know what you’re planting come spring.

Bundle Up

A fruit tree prepared for winter with insulation from the cold and protection from animals. Lex20 / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Not all plants need to be wrapped up in the winter, but some benefit from it, like young evergreen and deciduous trees. At the end of the winter, intermittent freezing and thawing can split the bark of young trees. Wrapping up their trunks with a crepe paper-like wrap at the beginning of the season can prevent them from injury. Mice and other small rodents love to gnaw at the bark of young fruit trees, so wrapping the lower trunk with a tree wrap designed to keep out pests can keep them protected.

Spread Compost 

Adding compost to a garden for winter. Catherine McQueen / Moment / Getty Images

Late fall is the perfect time to use those veggie scraps and yard clippings that have been decomposing in your compost pile. Before the ground freezes, spread about 3-6 inches of compost over your garden. This helps keep the soil warm, and continues to add nutrients to it throughout the winter, leaving you with a rich, fertile base for spring planting. If you’re planning to mulch, spread the compost first, then add a layer of your mulch material on top to prevent the soil from eroding and weeds from creeping in. There’s no need to fertilize, however — compost is a soil conditioner, but fertilizers won’t do much for the soil besides encouraging growth that’ll just get killed in the cold. 

Get Plants in Tip-Top Shape

Trees and shrubs will fare much better in the winter if they’re healthy. Make sure they get plenty of water before the first frost, and use organic material to mulch the soil around their base to protect the roots from freezing. However, don’t prune their branches, as this would expose tissue that won’t have time to heal before it’s cold. Trim back any diseased, damaged, or slimy parts of perennials and other plants so they’re healthy, or pull them up entirely if the problem is extensive in order to prevent diseases or pests from overwintering in your yard. 

While you’re at it, it’s a good idea to weed as much as you can in the fall, which will limit the amount of weeds that grow back in the spring. Just make sure to throw them in a separate pile from the compost, as most home compost systems don’t get hot enough to kill weed seeds. 

Prune Perennials 

Pruning for the winter. MireXa / E+ / Getty Images

Many perennials should be cut back in the winter after the first frost or two, but left about 4-6 inches tall. Because energy from the upper parts of the plant sends energy to the roots to store for the cold months, make sure you aren’t cutting back too early — wait until the first frost that kills off the tops of plants. Some perennials are susceptible to rot and disease in the winter — bee balm and phlox are susceptible to powdery mildew, and bearded iris can host iris borer eggs during the winter. In general, most spring- and summer-flowering plants can get cut back and mulched around the base. However, certain perennials like euphorbia and hellebores shouldn’t be cut back, so make sure to check the needs of your specific plants. 

Leave What You Can

Plants like thistle can provide food for birds and insects in the winter. ©Tasty food and photography / Moment / Getty Images

Letting some plants be can help cultivate a diverse backyard ecosystem, even in the winter. 

Plants with seed heads — like coneflowers, sunflowers, and thistle — for example, can continue to provide food for birds and insects well past their prime. They might also provide a place for some butterflies to lay their eggs, as butterflies choose plants where their young will be able to feed once they hatch. 

Keep Up the Hardier Veggies

Swiss chard and leeks in a winter vegetable garden. Sophonibal / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Winter weather might mean saying goodbye to tomatoes and cucumbers, but many veggies are frost tolerant, and even taste better when grown in the cold weather. Many greens — including Swiss chard, mustard greens, kale, collard greens, and arugula — may grow through cold temperatures above freezing, but some can last through the winter in a cold frame. Root veggies like radishes, onions, kohlrabi, garlic, celeriac, carrots, and beets can also grow right through cold weather. 

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Best of Earth911 Podcast: Steven Hawley Documents the Cracks in the Western Water Strategies

Dams are more common than you think. Author Steven Hawley reports that 58,500 large dams…

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How can California solve its water woes? By flooding its best farmland.

This story was produced by Grist and co-published with Fresnoland.

The land of the Central Valley works hard. Here in the heart of California, in the most productive farming region in the United States, almost every square inch of land has been razed, planted, and shaped to support large-scale agriculture. The valley produces almonds, walnuts, pistachios, olives, cherries, beans, eggs, milk, beef, melons, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and garlic. 

This economic mandate is clear to the naked eye: Trucks laden with fertilizer or diesel trundle down arrow-straight roads past square field after square field, each one dense with tomato shrubs or nut trees. Canals slice between orchards and acres of silage, pushing all-important irrigation water through a network of laterals from farm to farm. Cows jostle for space beneath metal awnings on crowded patches of dirt, emitting a stench that wafts over nearby towns.

There is one exception to this law of productivity. In the midst of the valley, at the confluence of two rivers that have been dammed and diverted almost to the point of disappearance, there is a wilderness. The ground is covered in water that seeps slowly across what used to be walnut orchards, the surface buzzing with mosquitoes and songbirds. Trees climb over each other above thick knots of reedy grass, consuming what used to be levees and culverts. Beavers, quail, and deer, which haven’t been seen in the area in decades, tiptoe through swampy ponds early in the morning, while migratory birds alight overnight on knolls before flying south. 

Corn for silage grows in a field next to a restored floodplain and riparian habitat at Dos Rios Ranch Preserve on September 21, 2021. Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Austin Stevenot, who is in charge of maintaining this restored jungle of water and wild vegetation, says this is how the Central Valley is supposed to look. Indeed, it’s how the land did look for thousands of years until white settlers arrived in the 19th century and remade it for industrial-scale agriculture. In the era before colonization, Stevenot’s ancestors in the California Miwok tribe used the region’s native plants for cooking, basket weaving, and making herbal medicines. Now those plants have returned.

“I could walk around this landscape and go, ‘I can use that, I can use this to do that, I can eat that, I can eat that, I can do this with that,’” he told me as we drove through the flooded land in his pickup truck. “I have a different way of looking at the ground.” 

You wouldn’t know it without Stevenot there to point out the signs, but this untamed floodplain used to be a workhorse parcel, just like the land around it. The fertile site at the confluence of the San Joaquin and Tuolumne rivers once hosted a dairy operation and a cluster of crop fields owned by one of the county’s most prominent farmers. Around a decade ago, a conservation nonprofit worked out a deal to buy the 2,100-acre tract from the farmer, rip up the fields, and restore the ancient vegetation that once existed there. The conservationists’ goal with this $40 million project was not just to restore a natural habitat, but also to pilot a solution to the massive water management crisis that has bedeviled California and the West for decades.

a man in a hat leans on a truck
Austin Stevenot leans on his pickup truck near Dos Rios Ranch Preserve, a restored floodplain in California’s Central Valley. Cameron Nielsen / Grist

Like many other parts of the West, the Central Valley always seems to have either too little water or too much. During dry years, when mountain reservoirs dry up, farmers mine groundwater from aquifers, draining them so fast that the land around them starts to sink. During wet years, when the reservoirs fill up, water comes streaming down rivers and bursts through aging levees, flooding farmland and inundating valley towns. 

The restored floodplain solves both problems at once. During wet years like this one, it absorbs excess water from the San Joaquin River, slowing down the waterway before it can rush downstream toward large cities like Stockton. As the water moves through the site, it seeps into the ground, recharging groundwater aquifers that farmers and dairy owners have drained over the past century. In addition to these two functions, the restored swamp also sequesters an amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to that produced by thousands of gas-powered vehicles. It also provides a haven for migratory birds and other species that have faced the threat of extinction.

“It’s been amazing just getting to see nature take it back over,” Stevenot said. “When you go out to a commercially farmed orchard or field, and you stand there and listen, it’s sterile. You don’t hear anything. But you come out here on that same day, you hear insects, songbirds. It’s that lower part of the ecosystem starting up.” 

a wide swath of shallow water over a floodplain with trees and grass under a blue sky
Water flows through part of Dos Rios nature preserve.
Cameron Nielsen / Grist

Water flows through part of Dos Rios Ranch Preserve. The former farmland now acts as a storage area for floodwaters during wet years. Cameron Nielsen / Grist

a no trespassing no hunting sign
A “No Trespassing” sign stands on the Dos Rios Ranch Preserve, California’s largest single floodplain restoration project in Modesto, Calif., on Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022.
Rich Pedroncelli / AP Photo

Austin Stevenot walks through Dos Rios Ranch Preserve. Stevenot manages the restored floodplain site. Cameron Nielsen / Grist. The floodplain, which is off limits for hunting, fishing, or dumping, absorbs excess water from the San Joaquin and Tuolumne Rivers. Rich Pedroncelli / AP Photo

a man walks away from the camera down a dirt road surrounded by tress and bushes.
Austin Stevenot walks through Dos Rios Nature Preserve in Modesto, California.
Cameron Nielsen / Grist

Stevenot’s own career path mirrors that of the land he now tends. Before he worked for River Partners, the small conservation nonprofit that developed the site, he spent eight years working at a packing plant that processed cherries and onions for export across the country. He was a lifelong resident of the San Joaquin Valley, but had never been able to use the traditions he’d learned from his Miwok family until he started working routine maintenance at the floodplain project. Now he presides over the whole ecosystem. 

This year, after a deluge of winter rain and snow, water rolled down the San Joaquin and Tuolumne rivers, filling up the site for the first time since it had been restored. As Stevenot guided me across the landscape, he showed me all the ways that land and water were working together. In one area, water had spread like a sheet across three former fields, erasing the divisions that had once separated acres on the property. Elsewhere, birds had scattered seeds throughout what was once an orderly orchard, so that new trees soon obscured the old furrows.

The advent of the restoration project, known as Dos Rios, has worked wonders for this small section of the San Joaquin Valley, putting an end to frequent flooding in the area and altering long-held attitudes about environmental conservation. Even so, it represents just a chink in the armor of the Central Valley, where agricultural interests still control almost all the land and water. As climate change makes California’s weather whiplash more extreme, creating a cycle of drought and flooding, flood experts say replicating this work has become more urgent than ever. 

But building another Dos Rios isn’t just about finding money to buy and reforest thousands of acres of land. To create a network of restored floodplains will also require reaching an accord with a powerful industry that has historically clashed with environmentalists — and that produces fruit and nuts for much of the country. Making good on the promise of Dos Rios will mean convincing the state’s farmers to occupy less land, irrigate with less water, and produce less food.

Cannon Michael, a sixth-generation farmer who runs Bowles Farming Company in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, says such a shift is possible, but it won’t be easy.

“There’s a limited resource, there’s a warming climate, there’s a lot of constraints, and a lot of people are aging out, not always coming back to the farm,” Michael said. “There’s a lot of transition that’s happening anyway, and I think people are starting to understand that life is gonna change. And I think those of us who want to still be around the valley want to figure out how to make the outcome something we can live with.”

a large tree silhouetted against the sunset. Next to it a group of gathered people.
Members of several conservation groups gather on the Dos Rios Ranch Preserve property in 2013. It took a conservation nonprofit around a decade to restore the site. Michael Macor / The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images

You can think of the last century of environmental manipulation in the Central Valley as one long attempt to create stability. Alfalfa fields and citrus orchards guzzle a lot of water, and nut trees have to be watered consistently for years to reach maturity, so farmers seeking to grow these crops can’t just rely on water to fall from the sky.

In the early 19th century, as white settlers first claimed land in the Central Valley, they found a turbulent ecosystem. The valley functioned as a drain for the mountains of the Sierra Nevada, sluicing trillions of gallons of water out to the ocean every spring. During the worst flood years, the valley would turn into what one 19th-century observer called an “inland sea.” It took a while, but the federal government and the powerful farmers who took over the valley got this water under control. They built dozens of dams in the Sierra Nevada, allowing them to store melting snow until they wanted to use it for irrigation, as well as hundreds of miles of levees that stopped rivers from flooding.

But by restricting the flow of the valley’s rivers, the government and the farmers also desiccated much of the valley’s land, depriving it of floodwaters that had nourished it for centuries. 

“In the old days, all that floodwater would spread out over the riverbanks into adjacent areas and sit there for weeks,” said Helen Dahlke, a hydrologist at the University of California, Davis, who studies floodplain management. “That’s what fed the sediment, and how we replenish our groundwater reserves. The floodwater really needs to go on land, and the problem is that now the land is mainly used for other purposes.”

The development of the valley also allowed for the prosperity of families like that of Bill Lyons, the rancher who used to own the land that became Dos Rios. Lyons is a third-generation family farmer, the heir to a farming dynasty that began when his great-uncle E.T. Mape came over from Ireland. With his shock of gray hair and his standard uniform of starched dress shirt and jeans, Lyons is the image of the modern California farmer, and indeed he once served as the state’s secretary of agriculture. 

Bill Lyons stands for a portrait on the banks of the Tuolumne River at Dos Rios Ranch Preserve in 2021. Lyons, a prominent Central Valley farmer, owned the farmland that became Dos Rios. Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Lyons has expanded his family’s farming operation over the past several decades, stretching his nut orchards and dairy farms out across thousands of acres on the west side of the valley. But his territory straddles the San Joaquin River, and there was one farm property that always seemed to go underwater during wet years.

“It was an extremely productive ranch, and that was one of the reasons it attracted us,” said Lyons. But while the land’s low-elevation river frontage made its soil fertile, that same geography put its harvests at risk of flooding. “Over the 20 years that we owned it, I believe we got flooded out two or three times,” Lyons added.

In 2006, as he was repairing the farm after a flood, Lyons met a biologist named Julie Rentner, who had just joined River Partners. The conservation nonprofit’s mission was to restore natural ecosystems in river valleys across California, and it had completed a few humble projects over the previous decade, most of them on small chunks of not-too-valuable land in the north of the state. As Rentner examined the overdeveloped land of the San Joaquin Valley, she came to the conclusion that it was ready for a much larger restoration project than River Partners had ever attempted. And she thought Lyons’ land was the perfect place to start.

a tree grows in the middle of a shallow floodplain
Floodwaters pool at Dos Rios Ranch Preserve earlier this year. As water passes through the site, it recharges groundwater aquifers in the area. Cameron Nielsen / Grist

Most farmers would have bristled at such a proposition, especially those with deep roots in a region that depends on agriculture. But unlike many of his peers, Lyons already had some experience with conservation work: He had partnered with the U.S. Forest Service in the 1990s on a project that set aside some land for the Aleutian goose, an endangered species that just so happened to love roosting on his property. As Lyons started talking with Rentner, he found her practical and detail-oriented. Within a year, he and his family had made a handshake deal to sell her the flood-prone land. If she could find the money to buy the land and turn it into a floodplain, it was hers.

For Rentner, the process wasn’t anywhere near so easy. Finding the $26 million she needed to buy the land from Lyons — and the additional $14 million she needed to restore it — required scraping together money from a rogues’ gallery of funders including three federal agencies, three state agencies, a local utility commission, a nonprofit foundation, the electric utility Pacific Gas & Electric, and the beer company New Belgium Brewing.

Julie Rentner, president of the nonprofit River Partners, stands by a small grove of trees at Dos Rios Ranch Preserve. Rentner spent the better part of a decade raising money for the floodplain restoration project. Rich Pedroncelli / AP Photo

“I remember taking so many tours out there,” said Rentner, “and all the public funding agency partners would go, ‘OK, so you have a million dollars in hand, and you still need how many? How are you going to get there?’”

“I don’t know,” Rentner told them in response. “We’re just gonna keep writing proposals, I guess.”

Even once River Partners bought the land in 2012, Rentner found herself in a permitting nightmare: Each grant came with a separate set of conditions for what River Partners could and couldn’t do with the money, the deed to Lyons’ tract came with its own restrictions, and the government required the project to undergo several environmental reviews to ensure it wouldn’t harm sensitive species or other land. River Partners also had to hold dozens of listening sessions and community meetings to quell the fears and skepticism of nearby farmers and residents who worried about shutting down a farm to flood it on purpose.


It took more than a decade for River Partners to complete the project, but now that it’s done, it’s clear that all those fears were unfounded. The restored floodplain absorbed a deluge from the huge “atmospheric river” storms that drenched California last winter, trapping all the excess water without flooding any private land. The removal of a few thousand acres of farmland hasn’t put anyone out of work in nearby towns, nor has it hurt local government budgets. Indeed, the groundwater recharge from the project may soon help restore the unhealthy aquifers below nearby Grayson, where a community of around 1,300 Latino agricultural workers has long avoided drinking well water contaminated with nitrates.

As new plants take root, the floodplain has become a self-sustaining ecosystem: It will survive and regenerate even through future droughts, with a full hierarchy of pollinators and base flora and predators like bobcats. Except for Stevenot’s routine cleanup and road repair, River Partners doesn’t have to do anything to keep it working in perpetuity. Come next year, the organization will hand the site over to the state, which will keep it open as California’s first new state park in more than a decade and let visitors wander on new trails.

“After three years of intensive cultivation, we walk away,” said Rentner. “We literally stopped doing any restoration work. The vegetation figures itself out, and what we’ve seen is, it’s resilient. You get a big deep flood like we have this year, and after the floodwaters recede what comes back is the native stuff.”

Dos Rios has managed to change the ecology of one small corner of the Central Valley, but the region’s water problems are gargantuan in scale. A recent NASA study found that water users in the valley are over-tapping aquifers by about 7 million acre-feet every year, sucking half a Colorado River’s worth of water out of the ground without putting any back. This overdraft has created zones of extreme land subsidence all over the valley, causing highways to crack and buildings to sink dozens of feet into the ground

At the same time, floods are also getting harder to manage. The “atmospheric river” storms that drench California every few years are becoming more intense as the earth warms, pushing more water through the valley’s twisting rivers. The region escaped a catastrophic flood this year only thanks to a slow spring melt, but the future risks were clear. Two levees burst in the eastern valley town of Wilton, along the Cosumnes River, killing three people, and the historically Black town of Allensworth flooded as the once-dry Tulare Lake reappeared for the first time since 1997.

Fixing the state’s distorted water system for an era of climate change will be the work of many decades. In order to comply with California’s landmark law for regulating groundwater, which will take full effect by 2040, farmers will have to retire as much as a million acres of productive farmland, wiping out billions of dollars of revenue. Protecting the region’s cities from flooding, meanwhile, will require spending billions more dollars to bolster aging dirt levees and channels.

In theory, this dual mandate would make floodplain restoration an ideal way to deal with the state’s water problems. But the scale of the need is enormous, equivalent to dozens of projects on the same scale as Dos Rios. 

“Dos Rios is good, but we need 50 more of it,” said Jane Dolan, the chair of the Central Valley Flood Protection Board, a state agency that regulates flood control in the region. “Do I think that will happen in my lifetime? No, but we have to keep working toward it.” Fifty more projects of the same size as Dos Rios would span more than 150 square miles, an area larger than the city of Detroit, Michigan. It would cost billions of dollars to purchase that much valuable farmland, saw away old levees, and plant new vegetation. 

a woman kneels while planting trees in a brown field
Members of the California Conservation Corps plant new vegetation on the Dos Rios Ranch Preserve in 2013. After a decade of restoration work, the floodplain now functions as a self-sustaining ecosystem. Michael Macor / The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Image

As successful as Rentner was in finding the money for Dos Rios, the nonprofit’s piecemeal approach could never fund restoration work at this scale. The only viable sources for that much funding are the state and federal governments. Neither has ever devoted significant public dollars to floodplain restoration, in large part because farmers in the Central Valley haven’t supported it. But that has started to change. Earlier this year, state lawmakers set aside $40 million to fund new restoration projects. Governor Gavin Newsom, fearing a budget crunch, tried to slash the funding at the start of the year, but reinserted it after furious protests from local officials along the San Joaquin. Most of this new money went straight to River Partners, and the organization has already started to clear the land on a site next to Dos Rios. It’s also in the process of closing on another 500-acre site nearby.

But even if nonprofits like River Partners get billions more dollars to buy agricultural land, creating the ribbon of natural floodplains that Dolan describes will still be difficult. That’s because river land in the Central Valley is also some of the most productive agricultural land in the world, and the people who own it have no incentive to forgo future profits by selling.

“Maybe we could do it some time down the road, but we’re farming in a pretty water-secure area,” said Cannon Michael, the sixth-generation farmer from Bowles Farm whose land sits on the upper San Joaquin River. The aquifers beneath his property are substantial, fed by seepage from the river, and he also has the rights to use water from the state’s canal system. “It’s a hard calculation because we’re employing a lot of people, and we’re doing stuff with the land, we’re producing.”

Even farmers who are running out of groundwater may not need to sell off their land in order to restore their aquifers. Don Cameron, who grows grapes in the eastern valley near the Kings River, has pioneered a technique that involves the intentional flooding of crop fields to recharge groundwater. Earlier this year, when a torrent of melting snow came roaring along the Kings, he used a series of pumps to pull it off the river and onto his vineyards. The water sank into the ground, where it refilled Cameron’s underground water bank, and the grapes survived just fine.

a man stands near a pump
The farmer Don Cameron stands near a pump on the Kings River in 2021. The pump moves water from the Kings onto Cameron’s grape fields, flooding them in order to recharge the groundwater aquifers beneath them. Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

This kind of recharge project allows farmers to keep their land, so it’s much more palatable to big agricultural interests. The California Farm Bureau supports taking agricultural land out of commission only as a last resort, but it has thrown its weight behind recharge projects like Cameron’s, since they allow farmers to keep farming. The state government has also been trying to subsidize this kind of water capture, and other farmers have bought in: According to a state estimate, valley landowners may have caught and stored almost 4 million acre-feet of water this year.

“I’m familiar with Dos Rios, and I think it has a very good purpose when you’re trying to provide benefits to the river, but ours is more farm-centric,” said Cameron. 

But Joshua Viers, a watershed scientist at the University of California, Merced, says these on-farm recharge projects may cannibalize demand for projects like Dos Rios. Not only does a project like Cameron’s not provide any flood control or ecological benefit, but it also provides a much narrower benefit to the aquifer, focusing water in a small square of land rather than allowing it to seep across a wide area.

“If you can build this string of beads down the river, with all these restored floodplains, where you can slow the water down and let it stay in for long periods of time, you’re getting recharge that otherwise wouldn’t happen,” he said. 

As long as landowners see floodwater as a tool to support their farms rather than a force that needs to be respected, it will be difficult to replicate the success of Dos Rios. It’s this entrenched philosophy about the natural world, rather than financial constraints, that will be River Partners’ biggest barrier in the coming decades. In order to create Viers’ “string of beads,” Rentner and her colleagues would have to convert farmland all across the state. 

It’s one thing to do that in a northern area like Sacramento, where officials designed flood bypasses on agricultural land a century ago. It’s quite another to do it farther south in the Tulare Basin, where the powerful farm company J.G. Boswell has been accused of channeling floodwater toward nearby towns in an effort to save its own tomato crops. River Partners is funneling some of the new state money toward restoration projects in this area, but these are small conservation efforts, and they don’t alter the landscape of the valley like Dos Rios does.

To export the Dos Rios model, River Partners will have to convince hundreds of farmers that it’s worth it to give up some of their land for the sake of other farmers, flood-prone cities, climate resilience, and endangered species. Rentner was able to build that consensus at Dos Rios through patience and open dialogue, but the path toward restoration in the rest of the state will likely be more painful. California farmers will need to retire thousands of acres of productive land over the coming decades as they respond to rising costs and water restrictions, and more acres will face the constant threat of flooding as storms intensify in a warming world and levees break. As landowners sell their parcels to solar companies or let fallow fields turn to dust, Rentner is hoping that she can catch some of them as they head for the exits. 

“It’s going to be a challenge,” said Rentner. “We’re hopeful that some will think twice and say, ‘Wait, maybe we should take the time to sit down with the people in the conservation community and think about our legacy, think about what we’re leaving behind when we make this transaction.’ And maybe it’s not as simple as just the highest bidder.”

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline How can California solve its water woes? By flooding its best farmland. on Dec 20, 2023.

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